Jussie Smollett.


Staff member
Wow. It is weird because as soon as it came out there was a lot of people saying it was bullshit. I figured it was just conservatives doing it for the fuck of it.

If it is bullshit he's a real piece of shit. Wasting police resources and time as well as now creating a memorable precedent allowing please to cast doubt on victims of real hate crimes.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
People have always cast doubt on hate crimes. There are entire sections of Reddit dedicated to trying to find holes in racially-motivated crimes. Sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong.

I can understand not taking a stand in a conflict or event like this and waiting for the facts to come out; the facts came out and it proved to be a hoax. But there are people that use this event to push an idea that it doesn't happen. That hate crimes don't happen and that discrimination doesn't exist based on gender, race, etc.

This was politically motivated because he tried to paint all MAGA fans as racist and then threw in a splash of homophobia, but this still doesn't change the fact that these things happen and are often brushed under the rug.

This dude is a piece of shit and definitely should be punished to the max and I'd enjoy that, but the next time something similar happens for real, it's going to be annoying dealing with the skeptics then.

I'm still not sure what exactly happened with the Covington boys and that Native American banging his drum, but I do know that it was a few days of shitting on white people and then people attacking the NA's military service and racist remarks made against those black religious people that were in the background of the video and also involved in some way in that incident. But people are hanging on to that example and this Jussie Smolett example that there is racism against White People and that there's some impending genocide of white people going on in the US. And that makes me take both sides less seriously.


Well-Known Member
Attorney General Barr: "while this report does not conclude that Smollett committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’”


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
The story refuses to die. Looks like some emails were leaked that showed the prosecutors trying to come up with a way to rectify dismissing the charges.

I think I read that he's been fired from the show and Empire was also not renewed for another season. May be unrelated but it also could be.

I wonder if his co-stars still support him like they did a few months back.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I think they said he bought drugs from the brothers too
The thing is, he's such an irrelevant actor that I don't get why he even got the celeb treatment when it came to dropping the charges. This really shouldn't be as big of a deal as it has been. I'd get it for a big name actor but man the Chicago prosecutors really pulled out the big guns for such a small fry. And now it's given ammo to the people who think racism is dead and hate crimes don't happen unless the victim is white.

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