Nas And FOX News War Spills Onto TV, Bill O'Reilly Denies Racism Claims


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The FOX News protest that took place in the streets of New York on Wednesday (July 23) poured over to television airwaves later that night.

Bill O'Reilly took it upon himself to respond to accusations of his network being racist, via his The O'Reilly Factor show Wednesday night, saying the protesters were "zombie followers."

While O'Reilly responded, Nas was appearing on The Colbert Report to perform his track "Sly Fox," in which the rapper lashes out at FOX News.

On Wednesday, political organizations, and, took to the New York streets in front of FOX News' offices -- with Nas in tow -- to petition against what Nas called a "propaganda machine."

Nas and the two organizations are upset at several recent comments made on the network. During their protest, they referenced how FOX referred to Michele Obama as "Barack's baby momma," their portrayal of the fist bump that Barack and Michelle Obama shared they called a "terrorist fist jab," and Bill O'Reily's call for a "lynching party" for Michelle, who may one day in the near future become the First Lady.

O'Reilly, however, denies that he or FOX are racist, and went as far as to call "The New Klan."

"The Move On organization espouses a radical left agenda and attacks those who oppose that nonsense," O'Reilly said on his show. "The latest smear from Move On is telling their Kool-Aid-drinking zombie followers that FOX News is smearing Barack Obama and is a racist concern. Of course, that's a lie. This broadcast and FNC in general have been exceedingly fair to Senator Obama. But in order to intimidate anyone from criticizing Obama in any way, Move On is playing the race card."

Later that night on Comedy Central's Colbert Report, Nas came with signed petitions, boxes of them, claiming FOX would not even see them.

"They refuse to see the petitions," the rapper told MTV News. "They don't want to deal with it. They want to try to act like they want to get away from it. I been getting a little word that people from FOX have been trying to call and talk to me and stuff like that, but right now it's about getting as many as people as we can [to sign]."

According to MTV, Nas is willing to debate with O'Reilly on neutral ground.


michael couture

I can't express my appreciation for nas enough. Instead of beefing with other rappers, go after the real problems. It's time to use our power and mobilize, this country is ours and we need to take control. It's like 2pac said we're supposed to change, " either you evolve or you die", and we're evolving so what are you going to do? I can feel it, this is the start of a revolution, once obama gets elected no one can stop us. we just need to come together and do positive things with our time. thank you nas!!!


" living in turbulent times
The blind leading the blind
Some call it evolution, some say intelligent design
You say you want a revolution, you out of your mizind
Your sons' destitute, and their pops all in the prison"

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
"this is the start of a revolution, once obama gets elected no one can stop us."

It's just a rapper beefing with a TV host - lets not make into something that isn't.

There are plenty of people that tune into Fox News because they share the same beliefs as O'Reilly, right? Nas and his stacks of papers pointing fingers and yelleing racism isn't going to change shit nor is it going to bring something positive into this country.

Nas said it himself - "Obama is a good look for America." It's just an image. There's got to be a bigger fish Nas can be frying.

I mean, for starters - why don't Nas make a good album? Instead he makes a half-assed album and goes on a PR campaign to promote it. In a month from now, we're stop hearing from Nas. You watch.

michael couture

I'm not trying to overstate the situation, and I don't think nas is the messiah or anything like that. I just feel like noone was expecting obama to be where he is a year ago, and now it's like if you get in the way you will get rolled over. I just feel like if tupac was still alive imagine the doors we'd be knocking down. And even though nas and obama aren't tupac they have the leadership to unite everyone individually to give us a voice, this is my country too.


FOX News isn't on Obama's nutsack,that's why people are mad.All other news media stations are very far up his ass and nobody seems to bitch about that.Yet,when someone speaks against Obama they are racist,and if they are black they are "uncle tom".
Obama is not going to fix the problems we have.Hell,a LOT of hie "supporters" don't know what he's about,they just want a black president.Props to Nas for fighting the system,but FOX news isn't who you should focus on.

side note:I am not racist or prejudice,I think Obama AND McCain suck and will both be horrible

Jules B

I don't know how u call any NaS album half assed. either be real and step up to create your own music or just don't buy it. NaS feud with fox news ain't just beef. what if people said MLK was just a preacher beefin. the million man march would have looked like the one man walk for freedom. what shit would you rather NaS make. some over played shit like we takin over. NaS knows what hes doin, unlike some of you young clowns. who gives a fuck what you say when you wont even vote for pres. that shits a joke.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
Nas is not a leader that is uniting people. He's just pointing fingers which will make the other side point fingers which turns into a big never ending circle.

This revolution of his has already turned into a joke. It's going to get swallowed up in the media and will be forgotten about in a month.

Nas is trying to attack the attitudes/ideas of people, right? And he's using Fox News and O'Reilly as a public target, right? So, his first victory would be what? Getting O'Reilly off the air? Taking down the entire Fox News network? What then? Nothing - because nothing gets accomplished this way.

Aside from that -

"create my own music or don't buy it" ?? get the fuck out of here! I'm stating my opinion on the album - I still do have the right to listen to it and speak about it, do I not, Jules? I don't form an opinion of rap albums based on "real issues" - I base it on Hip Hop music. I base it on how well the rapper delivers his ideas using rhymes and beats. Nas failed to leave a lasting impression. I won't be reaching for his latest album a year from now because I have better things to listen to. Is that alright by you?

Wake up from your dreams. This is just a cheaply made episode. Go ahead and sign the petition and cheer Nas on from your living rooms if you think it's going to spark a revolution. I thought I give you people the realistic view of the situation.

michael couture

jules you are absolutely right, nas' album is definitely not half assed, I can't get enough of it. and people talking sh*t are'nt gonna vote anyways. I'm a 20 year old highschool dropout(because of my musclular disability) and I voted for governer, to have democrats in senate, I vote for obama at the primary so he could be the democratic nominee, and I'll vote for obama again for president, and nas is giving his time and fame to help us out. I do respect that you have the right to your own opinion though!!

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