NBA bans Hip-Hop fashion


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Jason Richardson wants to keep wearing his gold chains, and the Golden State Warriors guard believes the NBA's new dress code takes aim at black players in the league.

He's calling for the players' association to fight the new wardrobe rules announced this week that will go into effect when the season kicks off next month.

"They want to sway away from the hip-hop generation," Richardson said Wednesday night, before the Warriors beat the Phoenix Suns in a preseason game. "You think of hip-hop right now and think of things that happen like gangs having shootouts in front of radio stations."
Richardson, who describes his style as "different" and says he won't be caught as a "copy cat," left the Oakland Arena wearing a camouflage zip-up sweatshirt, a long necklace with a diamond-encrusted triangle at the end, and a beige cap slightly tilted to one side.

"One thing to me that was kind of racist was you can't wear chains outside your clothing," he said. "I don't understand what that has to do with being business approachable. ... You wear a suit you still could be a crook. You see all that happened with Enron and Martha Stewart. Just because you dress a certain way doesn't mean you're that way. Hey, a guy could come in with baggy jeans, a do-rag and have a Ph.D. and a person who comes in with a suit could be a three-time felon."

Players will be required to wear business-casual attire when involved in team or league business. They can't wear visible chains, pendants or medallions over their clothes.

Some players already acknowledge they probably will face fines for breaking the rules on occasion.

"I feel like if they want us to dress a certain way, they should pay for our clothes," said Philadelphia's Allen Iverson. "It's just tough, man, knowing that all of a sudden you have to have a dress code out of nowhere. I don't think that's going to help the image of the league at all. ... It kind of makes it fake. The whole thing is fake."

The NBA announced Monday in a memo to teams that a dress code will go into effect at the start of the season. Saying players must dress in "business casual" attire, the league banned items such as sleeveless shirts, shorts, sunglasses while indoors, and headphones during team or league business.

The edict also requires players on the bench not in uniform to wear sport jackets, shoes and socks. Richardson doesn't object to that part of the rule.

Warriors coach Mike Montgomery believes players should look "like a member of a basketball team" while on the bench.

"The other area is certainly an area for debate," Montgomery said. "We'll just have to see it plays out. I understand both sides of the argument."

Indiana guard Stephen Jackson, who like Richardson is black, agrees that the policy is trying to keep players from expressing their hip-hop style. Celtics guard Paul Pierce also shares that sentiment.
"I dress how I feel anyway," Pierce said Wednesday night in Boston. "I think I'm just going to continue to dress how I feel. I think there's some days I may take a fine."

In protest of the policy, Jackson wore four chains to the Pacers' exhibition game against San Antonio on Tuesday night. Jackson defended his actions Wednesday, but said he won't allow his feelings to cause a distraction once the regular season starts.

"They don't want your chains to be out, all gaudy and shiny. But that's the point of them," he said. "I love wearing my jewelry. But I love my job. I love playing basketball more than I love getting fined and getting suspended."

Richardson has always liked to express himself with his funky attire. Now, he knows he will be wearing his suits much more often _ noting "I've got a nice collection of suits."

He doesn't mind the league mandate for "cleaning up" the bench, but believes a large number of players make their way to and from their cars out of the public view, so they should be able to wear what they want in those cases.

"You're expressing yourself, expressing your identity. It's taking away our self expression. I like to dress and change it up," Richardson said. "Some of them have religious meanings behind their chains, others have personal messages behind their chains. Some guys just like to wear them. I think that was an indirectly racial."

Source: Associated Press


Active Member
thats kinda fucked up. they cant wear what they want. shit if my school brought a dress code up, id tell them to fuck themselves.


Staff member
^Why? The whole point of a dress code is to not have kids feel inferior to others because they can't afford nice clothes.

I feel that Richardson is stupid, for pulling the race card. That's my response to the article.
^Yeah, he sort of is.

Thats stupid, because they play basketball they are required to dress a certain way?

What pisses me off is they actually target "hip-hop" fashion, now thats some bullshit.
Man, you people don't get it. It's all about appearances, they want the players to dress respectably, not like drug dealers straight out of the hood. I can understand where the league is coming from. It would only be racist if this applied to only black players, but since it applies to the whole league, I don't see how it is racist. And Allen Iverson is a retard. "If they want us to dress a certain way, they should pay for our clothes" What the millions upon millions of dollars you get paid isn't enough to buy a couple suits? Bitch please. And Greezi, you are the one being racist. So anytime a black guy wears a suit, he's dressing up like a whiteboy? That's some racist shit right there


Well-Known Member
If you don't think it's an attack on "hip-hop fashion" than you're an idiot. It's not necessarily because they hate hip-hop culture, but they're losing a large part of their older white fanbase because of it.
Do you really think that "white people" stopped watching basketball because of the way black players dress? I seriously doubt it, and if you believe that then you're the idiot. And I still say it's not an "attack" on hip-hop fashion, if anything it's an attack on all fashion except for what the league deems acceptable. It's not as though only players who wear hip hop fashion are the only ones this is being enforced on. I see no problem with it whatsoever, if that's the rule, then that's the rule.
Man, you people don't get it. It's all about appearances, they want the players to dress respectably, not like drug dealers straight out of the hood. I can understand where the league is coming from. It would only be racist if this applied to only black players, but since it applies to the whole league, I don't see how it is racist. And Allen Iverson is a retard. "If they want us to dress a certain way, they should pay for our clothes" What the millions upon millions of dollars you get paid isn't enough to buy a couple suits? Bitch please. And Greezi, you are the one being racist. So anytime a black guy wears a suit, he's dressing up like a whiteboy? That's some racist shit right there
Like that one guy said, just cus niggaz wearing chains and shit don't mean they crooks or drugdealers. That's your racism talkin.
How is that racist? You don't think that a person LOOKS more respectable in a suit than baggy jeans, bling hanging everywhere and crooked hats? Obviously he's right, just because you wear a suit doesn't mean you are a respectable person, but this is about appearances, not attitudes. And I never said they were drug dealers or crooks, I said that's what they look like. Big difference. Your comment is still extremely racist, just because someone wears a suit doesn't mean they are dressing "white." You've never seen a black man in a suit before?
these NBA players should shut the fuck and stop crying. People grow the fuck up, and when you grouw up your dressing habits change too. So these bitches should learn that they are being payed to play and therefore, it is a job with rules and regulations just like any other job out there.
Suits created by wite men. Now that's laughable. Is that your argument? Seriously, you're digging your own grave on this topic. So white people should only wear clothes designed by white people and black people can only wear clothes designed by black people, and any deviation of that is wrong. So I guess Pac was dressing like a "whiteboy" for wearing Versace suits? Come on, use your brain. And once again, they are not banning hip-hop fashion. Why do people keep saying that? I never heard the league specifically say they were banning hip-hop fashion exclusively. All fashion except for what they deem acceptable is banned. That means if a white player shows up wearing tight jeans and a Metallica t-shirt, he will be fined. Oh, and by the way, there are black designers who make suits, ever heard of Sean John? And there are others
I'm not saying whites should only wear suites, and blacks only hip shit. I'm saying wear whatever makes you feel good. Banning the shit that makes niggaz feel good is stupid.
Well those are the rules. I see it as they want players to dress the same way they would if they had a real job in an office. Try going to a job like that wearing crazy bling and hip hop fashion, you would be fired pretty quickly. Like I said, it's about appearances. You may see it as racist but I don't. I mean I can agree with the players on some points, I see where they are coming from. But people are blowing it way out of proportion by turning it into a race issue when it really isn't. And Iverson is still a retard. Buy your own suits you cheap bastard.
Hey here's a story on what Charles Barkley has to say on the subject of the new NBA dress code that might add to the disscussion.

NBA roundup: Barkley says dress code good idea

By Seattle Times news services


Under the new code, Philadelphia 76ers guard Allen Iverson, center, won't be able to dress like this while on NBA business.

Charles Barkley may not want to be your kids' role model, but he could be a role model for NBA players. And not just because he supports the league's new dress code.

Barkley was in Los Angeles on Wednesday for an appearance on NBC's "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno." Years ago, Barkley said parents, not athletes such as himself, should be role models for their kids. But he now at least admits athletes do influence kids.

"Young black kids dress like NBA players," he said. "Unfortunately, they don't get paid like NBA players. So when they go out in the real world, what they wear is held against them.

"See, these players make $10 to $15 million a year, so nobody cares how they dress. But regular black kids go out into the real world and how they dress is held against them.

"If a well-dressed white kid and a black kid wearing a do-rag and throwback jersey came to me in a job interview, I'd hire the white kid," he said. "That's reality. That's the No. 1 reason I support the dress code.

"From the NBA perspective, they've got a product to sell. They've got to make it as attractive as possible to fans, viewers and corporate sponsors.

"Dr. J [Julius Erving] told me years ago that we, the players, are the caretakers of the game. I think too many players today have lost sight of that."

Barkley, a TNT network basketball analyst, concedes there are racial overtones with the new dress code, but points out there is a dress code in every business in the country.

"It's dictated by the boss," he said.

Barkley says young men who are making $10 million a year or more for playing basketball should use their fame and wealth to do some good for society.

He hears that Marcus Camby of the Denver Nuggets wants a stipend to buy clothes to adhere to the dress code, and Barkley cringes.

"Guys like that have lost perspective," he said. "What's he make, $8 million a year? It's like when Latrell Sprewell said he needed more than $14 million a year so that he could feed his family. Give me a break."
Yeah, I saw him on Leno. He has some good points, but he said that if black kids see players dressed respectably, then maybe they would dress respectably, and I don't think that will happen. For one, how many kids in the ghetto can afford to go out and buy suits? I would imagine not too many.

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