Please drop feedback for "Fast Life"

Drop your feedback for "Fast Life" at Napoleon requested the track to be added. Also someone was asking me for "Lil Mama" if they could hit me with their e-mail and club/radio info and i'll send it.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Pezz said:
Ah nice lets put this one on top 5 as well.

Fatal it was Pittsey that asked for "Lil Mama" untagged.

Yep. It was me.

Fatal you have PM. Checking out Fast Life now. Will leave feedback.

EDIT - Fastlife is a great track. That Napo album must be amazing. If that doesn't catapult him mainstream, nothing will. I'll be pre-ordering, as soon as it's up.
fast life is cool, napole bleses it with barrington aiight, but hmm i wanted somthin more laid back, like "bad boys" by shyne po n barrington!
but track is cool!!

as for lil mama, its another 2heard them b4 tracks" just droppin my real opinion, napoleon can bless some beautiful songs/instrumentals especially the melodic ones like...anything produced by qd3 and many by johnny j like thin line!!

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