This is one of my favorite beats. I thoroughly enjoyed this. My only criticism would be on the mixing. It's a bit hard for me to understand what you're saying with the effect on your vocals. I dig your flow.
Thanks man. Yeah, I didn't spend as much time as I should have done on the mixing. I was in a mood to vent so I recorded it, spent about 20 minutes mixing it and then uploaded it. On my album, I take everything to the main Pro Tools studio and spend days mixing it, lol.
Out of curiousity, did the person that 'should rename nameless' ever respond?
Nah. I don't even know the guy. But I caught him talking shit about me for the second time, to two of his friends that I also know. I made sure to tag them both when I originally uploaded the video to Facebook lol so I'm sure he saw it. I haven't seen him say anything since then, although I'm sure he probably still talks shit in private. Bitch move, I've never even met him, but when I do, he's getting knocked the fuck out. Gremlin looking motherfucker.
I had all intentions of giving you shit when I opened this thread, but I actually liked it lol
good flow, strong voice and some nice pay outs
good shit you homo :thumb:
Ha, I expected that you were gonna give me shit when I saw you responded. But thanks, I'm glad you dug it.