During an appearance on CBS’ The Late Show with David Letterman, The Game addressed his recent arrest in New York for impersonating a police officer.
The Compton rapper was taken into custody Thursday after allegedly telling a cab driver that he was an undercover cop and persuading him to run a series of red lights.
The Game, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, told Letterman that he is constantly singled out by the NYPD and the whole ordeal was a set up
"This is a ploy by the hip-hop police to humiliate me because they harass and follow me every single time I come to New York," said The Game. "I was in town this week to work and promote my new album, ‘The Doctor’s Advocate.’ I never impersonated anyone, especially and absolutely never a police officer."
The Compton rapper was taken into custody Thursday after allegedly telling a cab driver that he was an undercover cop and persuading him to run a series of red lights.
The Game, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, told Letterman that he is constantly singled out by the NYPD and the whole ordeal was a set up
"This is a ploy by the hip-hop police to humiliate me because they harass and follow me every single time I come to New York," said The Game. "I was in town this week to work and promote my new album, ‘The Doctor’s Advocate.’ I never impersonated anyone, especially and absolutely never a police officer."