Connor Cruise, the adopted bi-racial son of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, is set to portray a young Will Smith in the upcoming film Seven Pounds, according to the Associated Press.
The younger Cruise's role is a minor, non-speaking part that he filmed over two days during production more than a month ago. His role is of Smith’s character as a young man. Photos will also be used to bulk up the portrayal. The movie is still shooting. The film stars Smith and Rosario Dawson and is directed by The Pursuit of Happyness lensman Gabriele Muccino.
The younger Cruise's role is a minor, non-speaking part that he filmed over two days during production more than a month ago. His role is of Smith’s character as a young man. Photos will also be used to bulk up the portrayal. The movie is still shooting. The film stars Smith and Rosario Dawson and is directed by The Pursuit of Happyness lensman Gabriele Muccino.