Just got home from a wedding. After dinner towards the end of the night my GF and her friend want to go smoke a joint. I don't smoke but decide to go with them. We walk to where no one will really be and on this tree we see like a trash bag hanging. Get a little closer and a guy is hanging himself with his belt. I run over and try picking him up high enough so they can get the belt off, can't do it. One of them runs inside, while I still hold him up, to grab someone else. Other guy and I are able to lift him high enough. We lay him on the ground and he's making this snoring sound, I've only ever heard it one other time when I found my friend od'n, he was all pale and unconscious. I start doing CPR, the bride's dad is an orthopedic surgeon, doctor enough, so they run and grab him. This wedding is in the middle of nowhere and paramedics take about half an hour to get there. Father of the bride and I are switching off doing CPR for about 15 minutes and the guy wakes up. We're asking him a bunch of questions smacking him trying to keep him awake. He was there with his wife and two sons. No one is telling anyone as to not ruin the wedding, such a weird surreal thing to go through. Someone finds the wife and she is wasted so no one is telling her her husband just tried to kill himself. She .aybe thinks he passed out from drinking who knows. At this point it's like make sure he is ok and they can deal with that in the morning. Cops pull up and immediately say so what tree was he hanging from. Wife goes historical. One of the saddest things I've ever seen. I'm thinking he will be alright but he just seemed ashamed and embarrassed, exactly what I wouldn't want him to be. I hope he finds help. We had to take a bus from a hotel to get to the wedding venue so on the way back to the hotel no one but like 5 people know and everyone is partying and drinking. Such a weird thing to go through. Well that was my night