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This is Android aside - but I was wondering what everyone's opinion on the new Windows 7 Mobile OS...? Success? fail?
We'll see. Microsoft is putting out HUGE amounts of money into it again and are actually paying all the big manufacturers to release a phone or two. If they'll also spend that much for marketing (somehow I still don't see it but probably there'll be a bigger action as soon as these phones come out).
Most manufacturers are lazy though and they just make slight changes to their Android phones to run Windows 7 phone :p
But while HTC's Win7 phones are basically just like their Android counterparts - just with different buttons there's one great thing they did - Sense UI for Windows 7 is amazing.

Microsoft risks a lot. There's already iOS and Android on the market, Bada is a small and cheap OS, there's dying Symbian (a huge project that fails drastically because the market is getting overcrowded with better systems) and MeeGo from Nokia.
Microsoft sure did their job analyzing a potential demand but how it turns out - nobody knows. If it fails it will be a huge fail for Microsoft that will cost them a lot.

The only way that would work for me is if they forced low prices on their first wave of smartphones but to do this they would have to put out a lot of money again. Bare in mind that most Windows-running devices were much more expensive because the operating system adds about 50% to phone's original price. Android is free and you basically pay for hardware and manufacturer's software touches.
The only way I would try that system was if Win7 phones were actually cheaper than Android phones. But as you see it's very unlikely to happen, if not impossible unless Microsoft actually pays for it.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
If it wasn't for Android, I'd be on iOS without a doubt. When iPhone 5 comes out next June or so, I may just get one off-contract.


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I don't see the need for having two devices running the same OS, like a phone and a PMP. I totally don't get it when people have both an iPhone and an iPod Touch.

I'm in the market for a PMP at some point though, so I think I'll get the new Zune that runs WP7 when that comes out.


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I have a G1 so obviously I'd need a portable media device (I had to google what PMP means, you nerds)...and I do. But truth be told, I had an iTouch before I had my G1.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I too had an iPod Touch before my Eris and Droid. I still don't like listening to music on my Droid so I kept my iPod Touch for flights and long drives. Plus, iOS has amazing games and I play those. I do have about 600 songs on my SD card on my Droid, though, just in case I get the urge to try listening to music on it.


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How do i update adw with cm6? they really need to implement an update button in it or something. I like cm6 but damn does adw slow it down. I was reading anderweb's newest versions are much faster so yeah, how do i update. i dont want to install from market cus then essentially ill have 2 launchers ya dig


Well-Known Member
So..... I took the apk for ADWLauncher that comes with CM6 and replaced it with the new one that I jut downloaded from the adw site. Well I haven't done it yet cus I'm about to go to a basketball game but I don't see why this won't work. Anybody want to caution me before I do this?


Well-Known Member
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So..... I took the apk for ADWLauncher that comes with CM6 and replaced it with the new one that I jut downloaded from the adw site. Well I haven't done it yet cus I'm about to go to a basketball game but I don't see why this won't work. Anybody want to caution me before I do this?
Do you mean you replaced the apk inside the ROM zip file? If so that ain't gonna work.

You'll need to find where the launcher is stored in the internal file system and use terminal commands to pull out the old file and push the new one.


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Skype for Android is finally free worldwide! Find it on the market ;)

The app is very cool and call quality is very good too on my phone. Yay for free (at least some) calls.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean you replaced the apk inside the ROM zip file? If so that ain't gonna work.

You'll need to find where the launcher is stored in the internal file system and use terminal commands to pull out the old file and push the new one.
yeah I found that out lol. So umm how do I go about doing that?


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
So what is the thing that's supposed to be a D2 with a slightly faster processor and GSM? Droid 2 World Edition?

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