/\ Some people would prefer the SLCD though. Crisper contrast, better display of black-on-white.
But the most likely scenario is that 99% of people wouldn't give a shit or even know the difference.
That's true. That 1% would be pissed though and I'm that 1%

I have a S-LCD panel in my PC display and TV. I'd give them away for any AMOLED any day.
It doesn't matter as much in a mobile phone but still it does to some extent.
@Aron - Amoled uses even less power in stand by and on lower brightness levels than medium, LCDs drain a linear amount of power proportional to backlight intensity. AMOLED depends on displayed content. It only does use more power while displaying very bright images on a high brightness setting.
Watch a dark movie on 20% brightness and it'll drain next to nothing.
Super Amoled uses even less power than Amoled, about 20% less while being 20% brighter at the same time.
There's a shortage of AMOLED screens right now, think Samsung are having to ramp up the production on them.
It's very starange that Samsung-Sony are producing a 3,7 inch S-LCD though, isn't it?
I don't think there are any other phones using them yet and it would be much easier to just manufacture more AMOLEDS than start manufacturing an entirely new panel. The only reasonable explanation is that they are planning to release more phones with that panel.
All current phones use either TN or IPS (Apple/LG/Philips).