Ok so some twat uploaded a bunch of system apps onto Applanet, I believe they were ripped from the Desire rom, but regardless, Applanet automatically installed them and its fucked up a shitload of phones, mine included. Alot of things are force closing on me, I managed to downgrade the camera app and fixed the error with the browser, but theres still a whole lot wrong with my phone now. My home button is no longer bound to any action, my Call button only works in the dialer (I often pressed it to bring up the call list for easy number access). For a while the orientation was fucked up but I tweaked some settings and thats ok now. But the most annoying thing is the End button no longer locks the screen. It turns the screen off, but now a button press unlocks the phone, so now im calling people in my pocket.
You think I should wipe and reinstall CM6?