Technology Android


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Can't wait to rock that Dreamcast emulator on my G2. Once they get it running games, Imma be rocking Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, Power Stone, Soul Calibur..... all that good shit.

DC is my favorite console of all time. The laser broke on mine, but I'm thinking I might buy another...


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Well, I guess I don't feel so bad then. I text a ton and it seems getting news and sports and weather updates really takes a toll on data. So I use a ton of that as well. I do about 300 minutes of the 450 I have, of talking during peak time. On the weekends, I'm usually with my friends so we don't gossip on the phone like little girls for hours on end.

Seems that a lot of foreign carriers are reluctant to give unlimited data. Seems they are more minutes based and with a lot of people using cell phones instead of land lines, that's actually a bad thing if 450 minutes on my plan with data and text unlimited costs $100. Those people would need more minutes.
Most plans used to be unlimited. But people took the piss by using it as their main connection by tethering to their laptops. So now it is usually a gig package.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
I still get 10GB from Tmobile each month, and I dont see how its possible for general use to do that much unless you were, as Pittsey said, tethering for your main connection.


Well-Known Member
prize, do you pay an extra £10 or so a month for that much data?

the nexus s got the exclusive front/back cover ad on the metro newspaper this morning. they don't have much time until its release so better promote it as much as they can. hopefully this time they'll advertise the super amoled screen just like apple have been ranting on about their retina display... samsung should boast about it a little.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
prize, do you pay an extra £10 or so a month for that much data?

the nexus s got the exclusive front/back cover ad on the metro newspaper this morning. they don't have much time until its release so better promote it as much as they can. hopefully this time they'll advertise the super amoled screen just like apple have been ranting on about their retina display... samsung should boast about it a little.
Nope, im still on my Flext plan which includes 10GB transfer per month, they refused to renew to a new contract and refused to upgrade me due to missed payments (11 months of unemployment was a bitch), so they said im stuck with my current plan until further notice. Not that im complaining because the new plans (flext no longer is sold) look terrible.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I still get 10GB from Tmobile each month, and I dont see how its possible for general use to do that much unless you were, as Pittsey said, tethering for your main connection.
Now that I think about it, I flash a new ROM just to see how it is every other week or so. I'm guessing downloading all the apps only to revert back to my UD 8.0 ROM and then downloading the apps again takes up bandwidth. Still, it's only like...80 MB. In a month, it may just be about 350 MB or so. That's still about 1GB of just syncing data from email, weather, etc. Those Google Reader articles must be huge. I do get about 400-500 a day.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
So there was an update for Facebook for Android yesterday and I read somewhere that it was incorporating push notifications instead of syncing by hourly increments. I have yet to see the setting for it in either the app or by going to Accounts and Settings and messing with the settings (none) there.

Anyone get it to work?

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Ok so some twat uploaded a bunch of system apps onto Applanet, I believe they were ripped from the Desire rom, but regardless, Applanet automatically installed them and its fucked up a shitload of phones, mine included. Alot of things are force closing on me, I managed to downgrade the camera app and fixed the error with the browser, but theres still a whole lot wrong with my phone now. My home button is no longer bound to any action, my Call button only works in the dialer (I often pressed it to bring up the call list for easy number access). For a while the orientation was fucked up but I tweaked some settings and thats ok now. But the most annoying thing is the End button no longer locks the screen. It turns the screen off, but now a button press unlocks the phone, so now im calling people in my pocket.

You think I should wipe and reinstall CM6?

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
/\ Yeah, I would. Why the fuck did you have Applanet set to auto-install stuff anyway? Schoolboy error!

Anyway look what showed up this morning :)

Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiii
I didnt know it was set to auto install, I didnt even know it could, I can't see any setting in Applanet regarding that, and, its only been installing stuff since I put CMod on my G1.

Also I hate you.


Well-Known Member
Casey, im so jealous. i wish i had one of those!!

What do you plan on doing with the G1?

i just switched my t-mobile plan down to 100 mins, 100 texts, unlimited data for £10/month 30-day rolling contract. i will feel the compromise with the texting though because i text a lot. and when you make a new friend, compromising with the texts is quite difficult. i'll see how it goes, but im not tied in anymore. :)

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
I need your Opinion of the Samsung Galaxy Apollo. T-Mobile has finally agreed to give me a minor upgrade (cant choose any newly released handsets at the moment, and some are not free either), and out of all the phones they are offering me only 2 are Android. My options are the Galaxy Apollo (for free) or the HTC Desire (for £70). Im not sure whether to go with the free Apollo or wait til mid jan and get the Desire.

Samsung Galaxy Apollo GT-i5801 Review | Mobile Phones | CNET UK


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sandeep14 said:
If you dont mind changing networks, you can get the Samsung Galaxy Portal for like £12-£15 a month on 3. That phone is better than many new android phones and perhaps all within that price range.

Ask Masta, he loves it. AMOLED screen, great battery life, speedy processor, big 3.7" screen, lightweight, cheaper in price.
Yeah but the screen is unfortunately only 3,2 and LCD but a very good one:p But nevertheless it's a cool little phone for that price. And it rocks a decent 800mhz processor.
It's definitely better than all new low-end and lower mid-end Androids.


Well-Known Member
if you can get the desire for free in jan, then wait one more month and get the better phone at no extra cost. the apollo seems like a teen phone and i think resolution might be a problem on that phone because of compatibility with many apps meaning that not everything from the android market will be availble for that phone (i.e. like the x10 mini series). the desire is more of an adult device and ive heard nothing but great things about it - even if it is a year old.

and if you're into all the modding stuff, im sure you'll be running Ginberbread on it shortly, flawlessly.

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