Technology Android

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
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Theoretically yes if you are running Nookie Froyo or CM7 (Gingerbread). Flash Player hasn't been released for Honeycomb yet. There may be some issues but I'm sure the devs are working on it.

Haven't tried posting on here from it. I tend to use my Nook more for reading/viewing, and my laptop and G2 for typing. I get frustrated trying to type anything more than a couple sentences on a virtual keyboard. I'll give it a shot.
One fear I had about getting a phone with no keyboard was typing, but luckily my Defy has Swype. I fucking love Swype, i would have hated having to type on a touchscreen.


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One fear I had about getting a phone with no keyboard was typing, but luckily my Defy has Swype. I fucking love Swype, i would have hated having to type on a touchscreen.
Yeah, Swype is fucking awesome, my G2 came with it pre-loaded too. I can type stuff real quickly, but for anything more than 2 or 3 sentences I still prefer using the QWERTY.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Qwerty on a phone hasn't been programmed into my muscle memory. So I don't need a physical keyboard. Swype is what I "need" now. Find it strange when Swype isn't available and I have to tap the keys. Like on my Tablet.


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Isnt there an APK for Swype?
It's not that simple unfortunately. There's two files you need for Swype. The APK, and another file called that gets pushed into the system partition.

So you need to have ADB setup in order to do it. I had to push the two files back manually after I flashed CyanogenMod from the G2 stock ROM, as the stock ROM has Swype but CM can't legally distribute it since it's proprietary software.

Furthermore, you can't install it on any tablet (except the Galaxy Tab) yet, because they authenticate through mobile networks. No mobile network, no Swype. I would have been rocking it on the NC already otherwise.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
It's not that simple unfortunately. There's two files you need for Swype. The APK, and another file called that gets pushed into the system partition.

So you need to have ADB setup in order to do it. I had to push the two files back manually after I flashed CyanogenMod from the G2 stock ROM, as the stock ROM has Swype but CM can't legally distribute it since it's proprietary software.

Furthermore, you can't install it on any tablet (except the Galaxy Tab) yet, because they authenticate through mobile networks. No mobile network, no Swype. I would have been rocking it on the NC already otherwise.
That pretty lame, is there no other apps on the market that do the same job?


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They aren't exactly the same but there are other keyboard replacements yeah. Haven't tried them though. There's SlideIT and Smart Keyboard Pro.


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iPhone users keep complementing the sexiness of my Nexus S.

Oh shit, say that again. "Sexiness of my Nexus S". That's an ill rhyme son. The key is to have a lil pause between the sexi and the ness. It's all about delivery.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Gotta root my girlfriends Galaxy S, it's starting to run a bit slow stock. Can anyone recommend a good FAST ROM for me to use? She doesnt need all the feature, just text, calls and SPEED. She isn't gonna play around with it too much. Just has to look good be fast and WORK.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Anyone that wants wireless file transfers between devices, or as in my case between my macbook and nookcolor, check out SwiFTP on the market.


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How is NookieFroYo? Smooth? I thought about flashing it, but I think I'm gonna hold out for CM7, they seem to be ironing out the bugs quite quickly judging by the comments on the CM forum.


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N64 emulator on NookColor running CM7, controlled using WiiMote over Bluetooth.

I've had this setup on my G2 for a while now, but obviously it's gonna be way cooler on a bigger screen.


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Just when I was reading Sprint wanted to buy t mob.

This sucks. My contract with t mobile is relatively new so hopefully they honor my plan. Att sucks, high prices and tiered data, fuck that. I'll probably go to sprint soon, there prices arent the best but at least unlimited means unlimited, and fuck verizon, way too expensive


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I wouldn't worry too much about your contract.

It'll take a least year before the purchase even gets approved (it will be heavily investigated first because only having one GSM carrier could potentially cause legal issues with monopolization) and then I suspect it will take another year before they are really able to merge the two companies. So for all intents and purposes T-Mob will still operate as a standalone company/carrier for another couple of years.

Having the main competition reduced to 3 carriers does suck though. We're gonna be in the same situation here in the UK as T-Mobile and Orange are merging here. It's a shame that such a strong brand is gonna disappear, I've had T-Mobile branded phones since the Sidekick days.

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