Here's a prediction: I think the mobile CPU race is going to slow down soon. We have quad core CPUs clocked high already and relatively efficient architectures with new Krait cores and A15 (as far as performance goes). They probably won't add more cores now, they're not going to clock CPUs much higher so 2 out of 3 ways of making CPUs faster are almost depleted. The only way they'll be able to boost performance is by improving architecture design. Sure, the mobile architectures aren't as mature so there's more room for improvements, but still I suppose that soon it's going to be like in the PC market - we're going to see jumps of 25-40% a year for highest end models, and smaller ones of ~25% for average models.
I think this year was the last one of such huge performance jumps with 4 Krait cores running at ~2ghz. Sure, we can see new arm architectures running at ~2ghz and they'll be significantly faster, but still it will be a smaller jump compared to all previous ones, even though it's the biggest one that's to come soon.