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Samsung Galaxy S II gets upgraded to 1.2GHz, delayed until May or June?

Well, it looks like there's some good news and some bad news for those holding out for a Samsung Galaxy S II. GSM Arena is reporting that Samsung has decided to upgrade the phone's dual-core processor from 1GHz to 1.2GHz, something that was first revealed on Samsung Estonia's Facebook page and has apparently be confirmed by GSM Arena itself from an "internal source." The bad news is that it seems you'll also have to deal with a bit of a delay. Some UK retailers are now listing a release date of May 6th, while Samsung India has tweeted that the phone's global launch has been delayed by "at least" a month, and that it won't roll out before June.

P.S. There's no indication as to how this upgrade will affect the Tegra 2 version of the phone, which was confirmed to be on track last month.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
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The sidekick must be popular in the uk or europe or something. No one used em here
Im sorry but that is the most rediculous thing i've heard you say. I lived in the states for many years and all the kids were riding the sidekick bus, all the celebs had sidekicks. To tell me "no one used em here" has gotta be a joke. I only ever knew 3 people in the UK that had a sidekick. Casey, Me, and some dude I worked with that thought mine was cool.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Xperia Play looks like it will be a hit. Seeing a LOT of blog posts around the internetz like this one from Tumblr:

With good deals like that and the strong Playstation branding..... I smell a big seller with this one.
I lol'd at the posters up in The Carphone Warehouse cos they were advertising this phone, but the image on the screen was from a GameLoft game, not a Playstation one.


Well-Known Member
^^ i saw the carphone warehouse poster on the way home. didnt notice the game loaded on the screen, but was i read that it was £30/month with free internet and x mins/texts ona 24 months contract. seems good to me.

With this deivce, you're getting Sony's Xperia, Playstation and Google's Android. That's Quality, quality and quality. This should not disappoint.


Staff member
Most teens here had sidekicks. It was kind of like, you see a teenager with a sidekick and you know he's a teenager cause he has a sidekick. I saw no grown ups rocking them. And Wade had a sidekick cause he was promoting it. Snoop Dogg, all these other cats, yes they had them, cause there was nothing fuckin with it at that point but as soon as blackberries came around, nobody (except some teens) rocked the sidekicks. Even when sidekicks were popular, every serious and professional person had a Palm phone, like the Palm Treo.


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I saw no grown ups rocking them. And Wade had a sidekick cause he was promoting it.
I distinctly remember that there was a blog at the time of the SK3 listing celebrity Sidekick users. A whole heap of NBA cats were using 'em. None of 'em were promoting it except Wade, but they were all using 'em. Bunch of rappers too, Folks that I met in LA working on the documentary and what not.

I'm pretty sure LA and NYC were the main markets where most people had them.


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So T-Mobile will be releasing both the Sidekick 4G and the G2X on April 20th - SK4G for $99.99 + contract and G2X for $199.99 +contract.

SK4G is still hella nice but it's let down in many ways, which is why it's so much cheaper than the G2X. Mostly with the camera. The rear one is only 3MP and the front one is only VGA. That's kinda weak, but it is still 4G.

I wish there was a hybrid phone with the spec of the G2X and the hardware of the SK4G. There just aren't enough decent QWERTY devices :(


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Anyone have some news on any rumored upcoming qwerty HTC phones? All that I've seen as of late are Sony Ericsson qwerties, but that's pretty much it.


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Anyone have some news on any rumored upcoming qwerty HTC phones? All that I've seen as of late are Sony Ericsson qwerties, but that's pretty much it.
Haven't heard of anything but I would bet they do have something in the pipeline.

Anyway.... I saw dummy units of the Xperia Play and the LG Revolution 2X in the store today. I actually kinda dig the Xperia Play. I couldn't use it as my main device. But I kinda feel like, if they released a non-phone version that worked on Wifi for a decent price it would be pretty fucking epic. Would love to play all kinds of emulators on a device like that.


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Oh, and I'm just going to call something right now.

Based on LG's success with the Optimus One and Optimus 2X, and their proven dedication to Android with the upcoming G-Slate and Optimus 3D, I predict right now that LG will be the next in line to be a "chosen partner" for a top-tier "Google Experience" device, like HTC have been with the G1 & N1, Motorola have been with the Droid and XOOM, and Samsung have been with the Nexus S.

Could be wrong, but that's what I see happening. Whether that's a third Nexus phone device manufactured by LG or a Nexus tablet..... I'm just predicting LG will be the next hardware company Google gives their highest stamp of approval to.


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No, Optimus Black should be a bit cheaper. It's a different phone model, with a single core processor.

Actually I'm very surprised that LG Optimus 2X is quite cheap here. It's much cheaper than Galaxy S was at its launch. It's much cheaper than Xperia Arc. I might be considering the Optimus Black if the price will be right.

Oh do you guys know what I miss in most new Android phones? A physical button for starting and ending phone calls. There are some totally useless context buttons at times and there are no "start/end" call buttons.
During the winter when we were in the mountains a friend of mine who owns Xperia X10 wanted to seriously destroy that phone. The temperature was sometimes as low as -30 celcius, he was wearing his gloves and couldn't start or end a conversation. It happened all the time.
It also annoys me that there are no phones with hardware buttons for starting and ending phone calls since I always use them, I hate ending my calls with a touch screen. It's really, really annoying. I can't even end the call right away.


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Wow. Just flashed CM7 final to my cousins HTC Hero. Runs flawlessly.

I didn't think the Hero would be able to handle Gingerbread, as my G1 was barely even handling FroYo. But it's working even better than Eclair was.
Wow. Just flashed CM7 final to my cousins HTC Hero. Runs flawlessly.

I didn't think the Hero would be able to handle Gingerbread, as my G1 was barely even handling FroYo. But it's working even better than Eclair was.
My son has a Hero, he has been looking to root, do you have a step by step I could give him as well as a good spot to download any needed files? I am on an opposite work schedule and don't see him at any point that I can do it for him, he is fairly tech savy so I think he can do it haha Any help would be appreciated.

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