Eminem to release new CD in December

sandy you could play eminem in your head phones till your ears start bleeding, its all good, everybody's got their own point of view, but even em said it him self, "you take some big and some pac and mix them up in a pot, sprinkle a little big L on top, what the fuck do you got? you got the realest and illest killa's tied up in a knot, the juggernauts of this rap shit, like it or not" i give em props, but i think pac was one of the greatest songwriters ever
sandy you could bump eminem in your head phones till your ears start bleeding, its all good, everybody's got their own point of view, but even em said it him self, "you take some big and some pac and mix them up in a pot, sprinkle a little big L on top, what the fuck do you got? you got the realest and illest killa's tied up in a knot, the juggernauts of this rap shit, like it or not" i give em props, but i think pac was one of the greatest songwriters ever
Who said he was a legend? He isn't even dead is he :p

Yeah Pac knew of what would happen, but who did it and why eh?

I was actually backing up Eminem because all you guys seem to want to do is cuss at people, whats with that? Is it fun or something?

He's not here to defend himself, so quit calling the guy until he has done something to you. He's just trying to earn a living and bring his kids up the best way he knows how. I know how that feels.

And where does colour come into any of it, I am white, but I love 50 Cent, Tupac, Snoop, DMX etc, Eminem is the only white rap artist I like. You could be green and still be good at what you do! Who gives a shit about colour, it's people like that, that causes alot of race hate attacks. I think this country has had enough of that, and if you want to act like a G then go over to America and act like one there, see how long you will last. Lets not have more Tupac situations eh.

Now I'm not here to be nasty to anyone, I am just here to defend a person that isn't here to defend theirselfs. I just have common courtesy and respect for people, and to judge a person when you don't know them is wrong.
And btw I do agree with you, Tupac was one of the greastest writers going, not just with songs, but with poems too, a very intelligent man cut down in his prime.

RIP Tupac
whos trying to act like a g? take that racism bullshit talk out of here, i aint discriminating and sending you hate mail am i? fuck america, i know i live here, but the us are the real g's, if we get bombed, the us is gonna show who ever did it who the real killers are, bush knew about the towers and didnt do shit, he wanted an excuse for war, this shits been going on, they even let the pearl harbor attack happen so america could bomb japan, you need to open your eyes, im from southern cali, the president dont give a fuck about the genocide going on in the inner cities, he wants us to wipe our own people out, the cops love when we go at it with our own kind, fuck the governor, or should i say the terminator, he wants immigrants out this country when he is an immigrant him self, he had to cross an ocean to get where hes at, so who the fuck is he to get rid of people who want a better life for their family, if i offended you kezza, it wasnt on purpose, this is how i express my self, eminem has cussed many people out with out them being in his prescence, so fuck him! about tupac's death, everyone has theories, but people who really know hide the truth, the cops know what happened, if a corrupt cop from the lapd killed biggie, you cant trust the boys in blue, so fuck pigs, i dont give a fuck about what you think of me, you dont know me and i will never know you, this is a fucked up world and im not gonna keep quiet, yesterday is gone and were not promised tommorow, so im gonna speak my mind as long as im living-peace out
I agree with you Sandeep. After Em's gone, you guys will see how important he is in the rap game. Right now, you just see him as some n00blet. You won't when he's gone. Trust me. =)
OFF TPOIC: BUT damn, this is the 1st time I heard about the 3 days he spent on LTTG!?!???! the more I read here, the more I begin to hate Afeni for fucking it all up(to some point):mad: :mad: :mad:
i don't understand why every1 has 2 compare any artist to 2pac, it fucken baffles me, at least in my opinion 2pac is in his own fucken group meaning he's bigger than all of them because he spit the real shit. So i mean when you compare any1 to 2pac even Nas they ain't shit IMO, so when judging some1 just take a look at their accomplishments...i mean yes Em did a shitty job on LTTG but i mean didn't he have 2 meet some kind of quota even then if he didn't then 2 bad he's a bad producer that's all u have 2 say, but i mean 2 diss any1 like that is just totally disrespectful. Even if i didn't like an artist i wouldn't go at him like ya'll i mean he didn't do anything 2 u, if u didn't like the music he produced on LTTG then don't listen 2 it. Personally i bought the cd cuz it was 2pac, and i listen 2 the lyrics more than i do the beat (although the beat brings out the best in the lyrics, i still think the lyrics always hold a stronger vibe) so IMO what Em is doing is great and i hope he fairs well...
Man Thats Fucked Up U Know, I Still Cant Fuckin' Believe How Some Of Y'all Still Hate Muthafucka's. First Of All Em Is Aight. Tell You The Truth, My ass Aint A Big Fan Of Em, Shit I Got Most Of Pac's CDs So I'm A Big Ass Pac Fan But Fuck It Man Stop Hatin' On Em. Man Ain't Dat Shit What Got Pac Killed. R.I.P. And Some Of Y'all Gonna Say I'm White and Shit Don't Fuckin' Come Up Here And Say Dat Bullshit But Fuck It Admit It Some Of Y'all Haterz Are Racist Plain And Simple. And For Those Dat Aint, I Rather Hear Em's Shit Wit 50 or the Game Den Hear Dem One Hit Wonders Dat Some Of Dem Rappers Be Bringin' Out Bout Money Bitchez And Cars In Every Song Aint I Right. Did Pac Ever Fuckin' Rap Bout Dat Type Of Shit All The Time Hell Naw And One More Thing For Those Dat Read This Post Dont Get It Twisted, I Ain't Even Fuckin' Comparing Eminem With Tupac I Rather Be Dead Den Do Some Stupid Shit Like Dat
y0o he wasnt exhausted, he was addicted to sleepin pills, he was takin them cuz he was exhausted. he had his tour all summer, he producin a few solo albums from proof, bizare nd obie. yea he fuked pac's up. his mistake was that he was 2 lazy. it takes a long time to match an already set voice and rap with a new beat. instead of makin beats to fit pac's voice nd rappin style, he adjusted pacs voice to his beats. so pac sounds like 6 different ppl on da album.

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