Everyday things we have now, that we didn't when we started posting


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
The pandemic threw a curve ball on me not giving a fuck. It was tough like it was for a lot of us. The family is torn. I found out through an online article that my sister now goes by "they" --- which is fine, I don't care about pronouns as long as normal people are not punished for using the "wrong" word. But why now? She seemed like a smart person that wouldn't be wrapped up in that kind of game. It's a cult of victimology.

Yeah, what has been said has been said. I don't give a fuck about it as much.

What's Covid? Is it some kind of illegal government activity? I agree.
I don't care what people choose to call themselves but they won't be forcing me to use improper grammar.

Tha Massive Bell

Well-Known Member
What about my grandma??

Speaking of parenting, it’s a tough economy out there and even my master’s degree’d, phd’d, high education and highly indebted sister pumps her breast milk and sends if off to the nanny with the kid. That’s fucked up. Here I’m thinking it must take a whole family to raise a kid ————— nope, big mistake. They just want babysitters. Fuck it. So I had to sit down with my sister and her husband over my nephew’s penis. She kept asking me to teach him how to clean his uncircumcised penis because her husband is cut and “he doesn’t know how to do it”!!! WTF. Told her to stop obsessing over the kid’s penis. I’m not his fucking parent - figure it out bitch.

The “Other Side” of My America. It’s a cult. They like to joke about anal sex on xmas. I’m glad I don’t see them anymore actually.
Cars that make weird noises when they reverse.


Man! woman! whatever! I shouldn't have but I read Audrey Hale's penisfesto and boy! girl! whatever! was it a treasure trove of batshit craziness.

Btw, I wrote about my imaginary grandma before I read the penisfesto, so there is no reference there at all.

My imaginary penis was hard for hours. Rock hard as a flintstone. Hours making cloth penises for my boy bears, only to realize I missed the gym cause they closed at 7.
Sorry for giving this nutjob some attention. I don't have any rugs to weep it under.
Cars that make weird noises when they reverse.


Man! woman! whatever! I shouldn't have but I read Audrey Hale's penisfesto and boy! girl! whatever! was it a treasure trove of batshit craziness.

Btw, I wrote about my imaginary grandma before I read the penisfesto, so there is no reference there at all.

Sorry for giving this nutjob some attention. I don't have any rugs to weep it under.
Where did you find it, I would be intrigued to read
Another crazy American mass shooter. Questioning the official narrative could bankrupt you.

She, he, it decided to shoot up a school and killed children because she didn’t have a penis and she was very angry about not having it. Likely a victim of childhood sexual trauma. Seems to be obsessed with sodomizing black girls.

Hey, I saw a video from Gaza… a little girl lost her family and her leg. She was wishing for a prosthetic leg so she could walk like the other kids. This I saw on NHK morning news. 5 AM! Then I switched over to CNN to watch them argue about Biden deep-fakes. Awww poor over-stressed Americans.

Anyway, I bet she never read her own diary. Seems very narcissistic.

They certainly weren’t encouraging gender psychosis in schools when we started posting. Once again the “Other Side” in the culture war. If a mRNA gene therapy kills one kid out of 100, that's one too many.
wink wink

Grey hair on my balls.


Wait until how much gold clean water we have per capita. Funny thing is, clean water should be free, I say.
Shelter should be free, I say. Health should be free, I say. Human rights should be free, I say. "Hard Work" they say. Hard work will kill you in this cutthroat economy, I say.


Delta to offer $30K to passengers on plane that crashed in Toronto

shoot, I'll take a ticket. Better than paying 5 bucks for a near death rush like roller coaster . Investment.

Willing to pay $175,000 for a life-size robot friend that remembers everything about you?

I'll do it for $50,000 plus 2 square meals a day and an occasional human experience, like arguments. [content deleted]
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