New Mexico footprints 23,000 years old


- The footprints probably belong to numerous people, mostly children or teenagers.

- White Sands in New Mexico is filled with human and animal fossil footprints, tracks are notoriously difficult to date.

- Archaeologists identified seeds on the tracks - spiral ditchgrass (Ruppia cirrhosa), an aquatic plant that could be carbon-dated.

-Seeds on the tracks from an ancient lakeshore date to between 21,000 and 23,000 years old.

-For decades, archaeologists associated the earliest Americans with 11,000–13,000-year-old ‘Clovis’ culture.

- 'Pre-Clovis' archaeological sites, from Alaska to the tip of South America, dating to as old as 16,000 years cast doubts on previously held belief.

-Dotted claims of even earlier sites, including a controversial Nature paper that put humans in California 130,000 years ago.


I think this stuff is absolutely fascinating and I can't get enough of it! Göbekli Tepe is a thing of wonder to us! There are so many things we don't know!!! What do you think?

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