Oct 24 - Obama declares swine flu a national emergency


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I don't know how some of you idiots get to be 20 and still have the capacity to believe swine flu was engineered. Like honestly, I heard unicorns exist too.
Well, there are people who are over 50, who are respected doctors or other medical specialists that also claim that it's impossible for flu virus to just mutate by itself into what it is right now (a combination of 3 or so deadliest flu viruses of which 1 has not occured since decades if I recall correctly?)

I also believe that it might have been engineered. And it's not that it was supposed to be a weapon of mass destruction, kill people etc.
I just think that maybe it was engineered in a lab and broke out by accident or something.


Well-Known Member
"CDC officials described the virus as having a unique combination of gene segments not seen in people or pigs before. The bug contains human virus, avian virus from North America and pig viruses from North America, Europe and Asia."

The H1N1 virus could have been engineered, but to think that a pharmaceutical company or companies would do it so they could profit from the treatment is implausible conspiracy. What’s not implausible is that the military might have created it and it got out, either by accident or by some rogue or careless scientist. But what most likely happened is that it was created accidentally.

Swine Flu May Be Human Error; WHO Investigates Claim (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

May 13 (Bloomberg) -- The World Health Organization is investigating a claim by an Australian researcher that the swine flu virus circling the globe may have been created as a result of human error.

Adrian Gibbs, 75, who collaborated on research that led to the development of Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu drug, said in an interview that he intends to publish a report suggesting the new strain may have accidentally evolved in eggs scientists use to grow viruses and drugmakers use to make vaccines. Gibbs said he came to his conclusion as part of an effort to trace the virus’s origins by analyzing its genetic blueprint.

“One of the simplest explanations is that it’s a laboratory escape,” Gibbs said in an interview with Bloomberg Television today. “But there are lots of others.”

Security at labs that work with these pathogens, esp. military labs, is ludicrous. They often don’t know what they have or no longer have:

Fort Detrick disease samples may be missing - The Frederick News-Post Online

Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick.

As first reported in today's edition of The Frederick News-Post by columnist Katherine Heerbrandt, the investigators are from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division unit at Fort Meade.

Chad Jones, spokesman for Fort Meade, said CID is investigating the possibility of missing virus samples from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

In February, USAMRIID halted all its research into these and other diseases, known as "select agents" following the discovery of virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory.

These fuck-ups are not only missing pathogens, they also found viruses that weren’t listed in its inventory!


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what makes me wonder is why the fuck would they create that in the first place then?

I can't picture myself being a biotech guy and thinking "oh, let's mix some flu viruses together today and see what happens".
I understand that they were probably researching something but come on, I bet they also research way deadlier viruses.
What if they just "disappear" and then suddenly half of the world gets sick, or even worse.


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It was theory and conspiracy that black people were getting injected with syphillis for 40yearz. It was theory that poor people in east asia were manufacturing our american productz for no pay back in the day. Its a theory to people when they here that toxins are allowed to be in our drinking water and food. Thats some devil shit. Stop basing what ever is going on in the world off of emotion, cuz its irrelevant.

Those theories WEREN'T based on thin air, that's the difference. And even if they were, what's your point? That we should take EVERY ludicrous theory seriously because it might be true?

You're the only one basing things on emotion.
Those theories WEREN'T based on thin air, that's the difference. And even if they were, what's your point? That we should take EVERY ludicrous theory seriously because it might be true?

You're the only one basing things on emotion.
I will reply a bit more later to some others too, but Duke, what ludicrous theories are you referring to in this instance ?


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I will reply a bit more later to some others too, but Duke, what ludicrous theories are you referring to in this instance ?

Anything one can think of that hasn't even got a hint of substantial proof behind it.

Like, the Tuskegee project theory was, at the time, not based on thin air. It had merit.

The point with a theory is, that for people to take it seriously and for the theory itself to have some kind of logical validity, it has to have some credibility. Whether this credibility stems from direct scientific proof, persons or common sense matters little.

If I theorize: Stalin was poisoned by several high ranking Soviets, I have no proof for this. Not scientifically, not from any people. But on the credibility front, it's not a far leap. We all know the anecdote of Beria fainting at his corpse, Stalin was feared and people felt he took things too far. Saying "he could've been poisoned by his 'comrades' " isn't THAT weird.

However, if I theorize: Stalin's soul was abducted by aliens because the aliens knew Stalin had knowledge of the Earth's creation, it falls totally short of the credibility part. Sure, it shares the lack of personal or scientific proof with the first theory, but where the first has a smidget of credibility, this one goes waaaaaay too far.

So should we take into account that Stalin might have been abducted by aliens? Just because "its a theory"?

My point is, not all theories deserve the same measure of believability. There's those that are possible and plausible (Stalin poisoned by party members), there's those that are possible and implausible (swine flu was created to make money off the vaccin by evil corporations) and then there's that lovely out-category of theories that I refer to as tinfoil hat stuff. Like the government controlling our thoughts via the television, or some crackpot belief like that.
Anything one can think of that hasn't even got a hint of substantial proof behind it.

Like, the Tuskegee project theory was, at the time, not based on thin air. It had merit.

The point with a theory is, that for people to take it seriously and for the theory itself to have some kind of logical validity, it has to have some credibility. Whether this credibility stems from direct scientific proof, persons or common sense matters little.

If I theorize: Stalin was poisoned by several high ranking Soviets, I have no proof for this. Not scientifically, not from any people. But on the credibility front, it's not a far leap. We all know the anecdote of Beria fainting at his corpse, Stalin was feared and people felt he took things too far. Saying "he could've been poisoned by his 'comrades' " isn't THAT weird.

However, if I theorize: Stalin's soul was abducted by aliens because the aliens knew Stalin had knowledge of the Earth's creation, it falls totally short of the credibility part. Sure, it shares the lack of personal or scientific proof with the first theory, but where the first has a smidget of credibility, this one goes waaaaaay too far.

So should we take into account that Stalin might have been abducted by aliens? Just because "its a theory"?

My point is, not all theories deserve the same measure of believability. There's those that are possible and plausible (Stalin poisoned by party members), there's those that are possible and implausible (swine flu was created to make money off the vaccin by evil corporations) and then there's that lovely out-category of theories that I refer to as tinfoil hat stuff. Like the government controlling our thoughts via the television, or some crackpot belief like that.
I think that was a tad bit ignoarant duke, even for you.

Can you explain this a little better.....

The point with a theory is, that for people to take it seriously and for the theory itself to have some kind of logical validity, it has to have some credibility. Whether this credibility stems from direct scientific proof, persons or common sense matters little."
If that matters little, what matters a lot to you?

And, please explain to me how exactly the theory that swine flu was created to make money off the vaccine by governement & corporations implausable, how exactly is it that way?

Also, with the "controlling our thoughts via the television" theory are you saying you don't believe there is or has been subliminal messages in Video and audio that we do not pick up on conciously but do subconciously, is that what your saying ?

Expected a bit more than that from you Duke. Don't know why, but I did.


Well-Known Member
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I think that was a tad bit ignoarant duke, even for you.

Can you explain this a little better.....
How was that arrogant, lmao?

I don't know how to explain it any other way, man. The principle of different degrees of plausibility, what's so hard to understand?

If that matters little, what matters a lot to you?
I don't think you understood what I tried to convey there.

And, please explain to me how exactly the theory that swine flu was created to make money off the vaccine by governement & corporations implausable, how exactly is it that way?
For me, there's the same problem I have with 9/11 conspiracy theories. Keeping it on the downlow is very difficult.

A company or alliance of companies creates a scary virus, releases it worldwide, then develops a vaccin for it and they all make a ton of money. And how come no one catches on to this? I mean, really catch on, like blow the whole thing wide open.
This day and age, the public already knows about it when a Congressman visits a hooker, or when a member of British parliament has ties to a shady business figure. Even those little things get noticed and blown out.
And then we'd see a massive, multi-billion dollar conspiracy that has the entire world in it's grip, but no one really has any substantial proof that it is so?

I don't buy it. Until there is evidence, evidence that is largely undisputed, evidence that has been scrutinized by multiple institutions/organizations, it remains nothing more than an unsubstantiated theory.

Also, with the "controlling our thoughts via the television" theory are you saying you don't believe there is or has been subliminal messages in Video and audio that we do not pick up on conciously but do subconciously, is that what your saying ?
No, the controlling our thoughts via television was something I pulled from my ass.

I'm sure a lot of instances experimented with the idea of subliminal messaging years back, but it has't been very succesful, now has it? Also, it's never been proven effective in proper scientific experiments.

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
Those theories WEREN'T based on thin air, that's the difference. And even if they were, what's your point? That we should take EVERY ludicrous theory seriously because it might be true?

You're the only one basing things on emotion.
yes they WERE based on thin air. I've got relatives and elders to prove it. And you seem to take theories to be symonyms with ludicrous. I don't know why but all I am saying is watch who or what you trust so much in. Im not saying every theory you hear is true, I just wish that more of the masses would study their government. Datz all bruh

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
^You are so fucking stupid.

I don't know how some of you idiots get to be 20 and still have the capacity to believe swine flu was engineered. Like honestly, I heard unicorns exist too.
4th grade name-calling is the best you can do?

Anyway, if mankind can transport sars through blankets, develop and used the nuclear bombs dropped on hiroshima, nagasaki and vietnam, and drop white phophorous bombs on innocent middle eastern civilians in the middle east, would you just a slight tiny bit come to a conclusion that we as "americans" aren't exactly safe either? I'm just putting this out there. No need for the dissin'


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yes they WERE based on thin air. I've got relatives and elders to prove it.
They weren't based on thin air because the medical (lack of) results was undeniable. A man goes to get his illness treated and he doesn't get better. That's something.

After that the whistleblower came out.

And you seem to take theories to be symonyms with ludicrous.
No, I don't. I think some theories are ludicrous. I never said what you are implying.

I don't know why but I'm I am saying watch who you or what you trust so much in.
I trust almost nothing. It's just that I trust some things even less than others.

Im not saying every theory you hear is true, I just wish more the mass would study their government. Datz all bruh
No of course, we should always question the government, there's nothing wrong with that.

But there's a fucking ravine of difference between questioning your government and blaming them for every bad thing that happens in a massive conspiracy case.

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
After that the whistleblower came out.

But there's a fucking ravine of difference between questioning your government and blaming them for every bad thing that happens in a massive conspiracy case.
It sure did take the whistle 40 years to blow though. peace man
^You are so fucking stupid.

I don't know how some of you idiots get to be 20 and still have the capacity to believe swine flu was engineered. Like honestly, I heard unicorns exist too.
You're 20 arent you funky ? I'm sure you've heard of Obama Bin Laden before too, right? That ghost that has no definative ties to 911, according to the FBI? The ghost that with all the might and power of the US government and military, can't find.....and never will.

Sure you know the guy, I bet you still believe in him, don't you ?

Honestly, I don't believe that you DO NOT have the capacity to believe that H1N1 was engineered.

Look into it a bit, it's very highly possibly, especially when you look at what makes up the flu Vaccines .

Shot yourself in the foot there a bit Funky boy. How many toes you got left? :)


Well-Known Member
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I'm sure you've heard of Obama Bin Laden before too, right? That ghost that has no definative ties to 911, according to the FBI? The ghost that with all the might and power of the US government and military, can't find.....and never will.

Sure you know the guy, I bet you still believe in him, don't you ?

You mean that guy with ties to Al Qaeda, that organization that carried out and claimed many terrorist attacks around the globe?

Seb, please don't feed him, lol. I'm trying my utmost to have a rational debate with this character. I know, I know, just let me have a stab.


Well-Known Member
You're 20 arent you funky ? I'm sure you've heard of Obama Bin Laden before too, right? That ghost that has no definative ties to 911, according to the FBI? The ghost that with all the might and power of the US government and military, can't find.....and never will.

Sure you know the guy, I bet you still believe in him, don't you ?

Honestly, I don't believe that you DO NOT have the capacity to believe that H1H1 was engineered.

Look into it a bit, it's very highly possibly, especially when you look at what makes up the flu Vaccines .

Shot yourself in the foot there a bit Funky boy. How many toes you got left? :)
Do you like grapes?


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develop and used the nuclear bombs dropped on hiroshima, nagasaki
Actually I see most people criticizing it but at that time it was a known almost perfect solution.

These bombs killed some civilians (but it's not that they destroyed whole cities, just logistic bases and surrounding areas unfortunately).

But look what could've happened if these bombs didn't fall.
Japan was a major power back then, they thought that they are the ultimate power in the world and that they deserve total control. Almost nothing was about to stop them, even if they were to be taken over they still would fight. It was a fanatism like now amongst Islamic sects but way more dangerous and affected almost every Japanese person.
They didn't think twice before brutally killing millions of innocents and even sacrificed themselves to kill in the name of their Emperor and their motherland's superiority.
Americans had to break Emperor down to force them to give up, it wouldn't happen if it wasn't for these bombs and a threat to bomb Kyoto/Osaka and Tokyo. Americans knew that. If I recall correctly if it wasn't for some American guy who spent his honeymoon in Kyoto the biggest bomb would hit there finally ending the war.
If it comes to the amount of casualties it was a great way out though it seems drastic to us. It also seemed drastic to the Japanese ruler forcing him to give up. However it's that drastic only because it was a single event that did so much harm.
Statistically more people died every month during that world war.


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