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Yeah, I saw that. lol. Funny how Apple was mockingly saying it was the "Year of the Copycats" and most of iOS-5 is ideas come from other OS'


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I agree that there was a time when Iphone was pretty innovative and other copied its ideas but now Apple is straight trying to catch up by copying others.


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Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 review.

The Wrap Up

The conclusion we came to after using the Tab 10.1 Limited Edition mimics the conclusion we've drawn here: this is the best Honeycomb tablet to date, and lucky for you, the one's available to purchase! Only time will tell if the Android Market will prove to be as well-stocked as the App Store, and if you're willing to wait, this here slate provides a world-class Gmail experience, better handling than the iPad 2 (in our humble opinion, anyway) and a higher resolution display.


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I find this quite interesting:

Dell's prototype 7-inch tablet touts slide-out split QWERTY keyboard (update: just a concept)

if manufacturers can make a select number of 7 and 10 inch models have a slide-out qwerty then i'd be interested. the top half (i.e. the screen) would have to be ultra thing for this to work. and also the slide mechanism would need to be very secure since its a bigger, heavier product than their smaller counterparts (phones).

but why would some companies do this? they can sell their periperherals as add-ons.. it also makes the device less portable.. but if you think about it, it could make the device more portable as it will have more practical uses outside of the home.


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Google rumoured to have built an Android messaging app like BBM and iMessage

By Ian Hardy on June 10, 2011 at 4:27pm in Mobile News

At Apple WWDC dropped a bomb on RIM and came out with their own messaging system called “iMessage”. This has similar features as to their BlackBerry Messenger. According to the Wall Street Journal it seems that Google is developed or working on offering Android users a similar feature. The report states that “Google Inc., whose Android software is the most popular operating system on smartphones, has also recently worked on a messaging application, a person familiar with the matter said.”
No other details were given but Google currently relies on third party apps like Whatsapp, Liveprofile and Kik. The objective is to keep users on a specific mobile OS and keep them loyal to the brand. RIM currently has over 55 million BBM users and Apple, when iOS 5 is officially released in the fall, will have millions of users too. It’ll be interesting to see how this all impacts text messaging.
Source: WSJ
Via: Electronista

Wouldn't that already be Gtalk? lol


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Gtalk is an IM client. But it could easily become a so called "group messaging" client like BBM, iMessage, Beluga, etc. It needs group messaging for a start, saved histories (not just to your Gmail but ones that always appear in the client even if you reboot, etc), and it needs file sending (which I believe is present in the web/desktop clients already).

But yeah, they have the obvious advantage in this area of it already being tied to Gmail.... far more people have Gmail and always will compared to crappy platform restricted bullshit like BBM/iMessage.

It's about perception, Gtalk just needs a reinvention. People perceive these BBM/KIK/WhatsApp "group messaging apps" as being different to traditional Instant Messengers (like Gtalk) but really it's mostly common ground between them. Gtalk has video chat however, which traditionally isn't a feature of group messaging apps, but I don't see why it shouldn't be. Whatever is the easiest but most customizable application to suit your needs would be the best one.

Anyway, Google has been building a group messaing app for some time. I believe it's US-only right now, but it's called Disco - and it's already available on both Android and iOS. But I think it's US-only right now. This product wasn't originally internally developed at Google I don't think, but Google acquired the company early on and has allowed it to continue autonomously up to now. I figure they just merge it with Gtalk and perhaps give the combined product a new name and it could dominate this market.


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What the hell is wrong with companies releasing these IMs. Now it turns out that Samsung wants to do that too with their phones.
Aren't there actually too many messengers already? What, we will have 10 different IMs with 1-5 friends using each?
It already pisses me off since I don't even have time to check out Skype, MSN and Google Talk on my PC OR phone and now they want to come up with new ones for phones, wtf.


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^^ that's why text messaging will always be the better option because its universal. on the other hand, the cost may be more for those who text a lot more than the average person.

I think that whatever google decides to do, they should just retain the GTalk moniker. It's simple, it's self-explanatory, and it ties in with what the product is i.e. GMail for email, GDocs for documents. Then again, they'' consider naming it something different like Picasa is for photos.


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^that's sooo true. lol.

I told this dude about how a few androids i know are better than the iPhone 4, then he gave me excuses and i topped him then he said in the end, "I just want an iPhone4"


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Rumour: “Nexus 4G” will run Android 4.0 and possibly come with a 1.5GHz processor

By Ian Hardy on June 15, 2011 at 11:11am in Mobile News

New details have surfaced of what could possibly be specs of the next Nexus device by Google. BGR notes that the next generation Nexus might be called the “Nexus 4G” and will run Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), be “ultra-thin” and not have any physical buttons such as back, home, menu and search.
As for specs, it might come with either a 1.2GHz or 1.5GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, a 720p HD “monster-sized” screen , a 1 megapixel front-facing camera 5 megapixel camera on the back that records 1080p HD videos. There were no details on which carrier(s) will get this but it’s rumoured to be available around the American Thanksgiving (November) time frame. In addition, no word on who the manufacturer is but this is also rumoured to be either HTC or LG.
By now we can expect all future devices to to thinner, faster, more powerful and lighter.
Source: BGR


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There's really not much new in that article... here's why:

1. We already knew that there was going to be another Nexus device. Andy Rubin said so already.
2. We already knew that any new Nexus device would logically run the next major Android version - which is ICS
3. We already knew that that ICS will have on screen buttons like Honeycomb does.
4. It's logical that by not having physical buttons, the screen would need to be larger to make up for the loss of screen real estate from physical buttons
5. We already knew that the manufacturer will most likely be LG - it follows with Google's M.O so far of giving different HM's opportunities after they've proved themselves with popular phones. LG is the only major large selling Android phone manufacturer to not receive this opportunity yet, and rumors of them making the next Nexus have been circulating for months.


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There's really not much new in that article... here's why:

1. We already knew that there was going to be another Nexus device. Andy Rubin said so already.
2. We already knew that any new Nexus device would logically run the next major Android version - which is ICS
3. We already knew that that ICS will have on screen buttons like Honeycomb does.
4. It's logical that by not having physical buttons, the screen would need to be larger to make up for the loss of screen real estate from physical buttons
5. We already knew that the manufacturer will most likely be LG - it follows with Google's M.O so far of giving different HM's opportunities after they've proved themselves with popular phones. LG is the only major large selling Android phone manufacturer to not receive this opportunity yet, and rumors of them making the next Nexus have been circulating for months.
Yeah, i knew most of what was posted as well. Figured I'd just post it for those who weren't aware though.

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