I has a new puppy! If me and my girlfriend break up it'll be her dog, but we're calling it "our dog". And I'm having her this week

She's so frickin cute. She shits and pees in the house though, and she bites all the time. I am reading up on how to teach her to be nice, but I'm wondering when I should start training her. She's still just a puppy. Potty training I've already started. I'm just paying attention and bringing her out whenever she starts sniffing around, or whenever I suspect she might want to pee soon. Like after having slept for a few hours, 30-60 minutes after drinking lots, etc. Anyone else with a dog got any insight on when it's appropriate to get them to stop chewing on shit? I guess it's because her gums itch from the teeth growing. I so didn't prepare before agreeing to take care of this puppy.
Good for you man, we're getting a dog soon too. We're actually going to the shelter tomorrow.. if we cant find one there we're getting a samoyed from a local breeder.
Ive trained a few dogs over the years and you need to start training them right from the beginning... there should be none of that 'oh shes just a puppy' stuff (unless its just normal puppy behaviour like chewing stuff) At about 11 weeks is when it gets worse but dies down after.
You need to give her loads of chewing toys and whenever she looks like she might chew your furniture or something encourage her with the toy instead and give her loads of praise when she takes it. Try crate training her too which is really good, especially in the long run. Lots of people think its cruel but its totally natural for them to have a 'den' just dont use it as a punishment.
Also never use negative reinforcement like rubbing her face in pee if she goes in the house. Most puppies will have no idea what they did wrong. You just need to make a big fuss everytime she does something right
The main thing you need to establish is routine, take her our as soon as you wake up, then right after breakfast. Take her to the same spot you want to to use as a bathroom and say a phrase like 'take a dump' or 'go potty' over and over then when she goes give her treat RIGHT AFTER, not when you get back inside. Also take her for a walk/play after too so she gets some reward.
Dont giver her water right before bedtime as she'll probably pee in the house. A rule of thumb is a puppy can hold their bladder for 1 hour for every month. So an 8 week old puppy can hold it for 2 hours. They tend to digest their food alot faster than older dogs.
If you need any specific tips let me know