if you dig the fb app on your phone, you must not have used the iPhone one. the iPhone app shits on the android one.
also, let's summarize my phone usage:
1. making calls
2. texting
3. tweeting
4. facebooking
5. taking pictures
6. reading news, checking sports scores
android does none of those things better for me right now.
The Android app is almost like the iPhone app. I can't see major differences except for the fact that the Android one sends me piece of shit notifications all the time. And I use my Facebook app once in a few weeks, so this annoys me that I get a notification because someone decided to share something.
Facebook integration is the worst shit ever, trust me. It comes from a person with a phone that originally had Facebook integration. It's the no.1 reason why Sony users root their phones. You can actually "like" a photo in your gallery, or a song that you're listening to. What the fuck.
Making calls and texting is far better than on Iphone. Most of all there are custom apps for that, and custom keyboards.
The rest.. it appears to be the same or similar and with Android you get more options.
Also, I'm sure that you often do things you couldn't do on an Iphone. Like.. hook up your phone via USB to transfer files, or send them wirelessly maybe? Or have the information/news/scores displayed on a widget maybe? Just sayin, you seem to be the devil's advocate, kind of like Coonie in this thread which is ehtier that or trolling.