I think you really try hard to argument why you don't need an Android phone now by ridiculing things it simply does much better.
The point with customization is pretty silly - customization is not about the looks. It's about functionality.
1. It's pretty silly again - it's not about the Dolphin Browser. It's about being able to launch any website, video, music file with whichever app you like the most/does exactly what you want it to do by default - you can set exactly how you want your phone to behave with certain files and actions.
2. You can but how would you know that In N Out or whatever you're googling for was what you were looking for? It's simple convenience, another way of finding things and making good use of information fast and easily.
3. Widgets are just another neat way to bring more convenience and functionality.
The point is that you're trying to justify why you wouldn't care to lose all those things. Why don't you get a feature phone? You know, Motorola RAZR (the clamshell one) was pretty cool too and by the way you make it sound it'd do everything you needed to do too.
I think reality is that you simply don't care about arguments because you simply want an Iphone for no apparent reason, because you think it'd be cool if you had one.
It's like the same mechanism when a kid gets a bike for birthday and isn't satisfied because he wanted to get a skateboard. Fair enough, you want an Iphone. It doesn't change the fact that widgets, customization and convenience are freaking cool and you might miss them.
OK, here are the real reasons. I agree, I am arguing just to argue. It's what I do. I should get paid for it. As I was saying, the reasons are this:
1. My Android phone's screen is broken, it's starting to lag, and I am completely uninterested in every single Android phone on the market right now
2. Both my G1 and my Nexus S have been buggy, slow at times, and not 100% responsive to touch. Out of every 10 texts I type, one or two will not register the letters I'm hitting on the screen. This was true back when I first got my Nexus S and I went to Best Buy (where I bought the phone) to complain but I couldn't demonstrate the issue because it simply wanted to work that time.
There are steps I could take to fix that. I could go and replace my screen for 50 bucks. I could root my phone in hopes of fixing the lag problems. I could complain to the manufacturer that there's something wrong with my screen even before it broke. But I don't want to do those things because they're a hassle to me.
One thing for sure is, I don't want an iPhone because it's seen as cool or because I buy into the marketing ploys. It's just that my dad has both an iPhone 4S and an Android phone and every time I used his iPhone, I loved using it. Now I didn't fully test it out but it just felt faster, the display was clearer and more crisp, and that it was better responsive to my touch. It's possible that if I used it for a longer period of time, I might find things annoying and less functional. But what I've been trying to convey this whole time is that I don't use my phone the way you, casey, and pittsey use it. Most of the reasons you prefer Android don't fully apply to me. That's all. I still like Android and I wouldn't argue that iOS is better, but I am not fully sold that the Android OS is the better OS for me. In the end, this is all pointless because I won't buy a new phone until at least November.