I started with the Joyetech eGo which was a really good starter that got me completely off cigarettes. Now I've got a tiny mod, the iStick pico, as those are a big-time thing here in Vancouver. Actually in Europe smoking is MUCH more common than over here. A lot of people vape too, but over here, it might be the city or whatnot, when I rarely see a cloud outside, it's most likely someone vaping. It's not a social event like back in Europe and surely the 'social outcast' aspect of smoking helped me switch to vaping, and I'm really glad I did.
The EU laws on vaping in Europe mean you can only buy tiny bottles of pre-made liquids, so over there mixing your own liquids is the thing, which is also where I picked that habit that stuck too, and that's the best thing ever. You get exactly the amount of nicotine you want (tiny amounts now for me and exactly what you want from your flavor, mixing different flavors, including trying out different proportions etc.). By now when I have to buy something pre-made I always feel like it's just not as much to my liking as something I'd do myself. When you mix by yourself, you also know what exactly goes into your liquid, as the ingredients are Pharmaceutical Grade, and aroma manufacturers usually list the ingredients of their aromas too.
Also, it's peanuts, I bought 2 liters (like 70 ounces) of ingredients for about 30$, plus 20$ for 10 different aromas at a DIY store over here - you can get those online even for cheaper. That will last me for a year or so. Vape liquid companies make loads of money considering how simple and cheap it is to make it. You literally mix 4 things in right proportions and that's it, ready to vape.