Nas Backs Petition Against FOX Over Racism


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Nas reportedly joined representatives of and when they delivered a petition to FOX Network's offices in Manhattan on Tuesday (July 22).

According to NME, the petition has 620,127 signatures and accuses FOX of racism against Black Americans.

The petition accuses the network of specifically targeting presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

The petition claims FOX referred to Mrs. Obama as "Obama's baby mama," and Bill O'Reilly suggested calling a "lynching party" to deal with Mrs. Obama.

The petitions also claims that the network labeled a fist bump between Barack and Michelle as a "terrorist fist jab."

Nas accuses FOX of racism in a song called "Sly Fox" on his latest album, Unititled.

Signatures for the petition were obtained via The Brave New Foundation,, and


Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
the baby mama thing isnt racist, you dont have to be black to be labelled a "baby mama" nor do you have to have any black connection. if anything labelling "baby mama" is racist in itself, defining that term is only associated with black people.

i agree with the other shit though.

michael couture

fox and it's viewers are racist!

I happen to be white, and have black family members, regardless I hate racism in any form. bill o'reilly and fox news are absolutely racist, and I have always thought so. the "baby mama" comment was very racist and to deny it makes you just as guilty. it's a way of devaluing the strength of their marriage and their intelligence. barack and michelle obama are two very real, very strong, and very intelligent people. and the fox news crew will say anything they can to break obamas campaign and image.

michael couture

and furthermore!

they also left out the comment that terrorists will be dancing in the street if barack gets elected (which he absolutely will), only adding to the perception that african americans aren't as american as whites. but the most unfortunate part is that millions of people agree, fox is only poison because we consume it, I have so much respect for nas for speaking out, most rappers today are well payed slaves that say what white labels tell them to so they can profit. too bad for them, Obama will be our leader.


mike, shut the fucc up.
how do I respond to somebody who can't spell f**k right, if you don't like my opinion then say yours. I could atleast respect you if you disagreed with me for a reason, and not just because you're too insecure about you might sound like if you actually tried write something that takes thought. you need to learn about the way the media (especially fox) tries to poison our minds. but maybe you're too arrogant to question your own way of thinking!!!

michael couture


i second the stfu, baby mama is not a racist comment
use your brain and have your own opinion, or would you understand me better if I said "uybahyoo". again I'll restate, either write why you disagree or don't waste your time typing.if Obama doesn't get elected we will suffer another four years of the same old s**t with Mcain, although voting might not matter to you since you can't text for president. and I'm sick and tired of my generation not caring about our society!!

michael couture


and if your reading an article on nas then I assume you want to hear his opinion. so you should buy his new album, he has alot of real smart thoughts to share about ignorant people just like youselves.


yo mike.... itz muthaFUCCAZ like you that make our world harder to live in.. we got here some random azz white boy tryna say some shit like i dont know watz goin on... they're just opinionz if fox iz racist..ok there are millionz of people who are.. iz it rite? hell nah.. but if blacc people keep bitchin about it and getn mad we make them happy, checc this out homie: iz fox gona stop me from getn my paypa? hell nah! i keep goin.. and fucc the haterz..

michael couture


I understand that if you're black you might hate a white person telling you about racism, but I'm not trying to get through to black people. I'm trying to get through to other white people who only associate racism with slavery and the KKK. I see all forms of racism where I live, and It's not just the N word. so to call me just another white boy is ignorant. my aunt and her son are black and I love them very much. people stay to quiet about racism, so it never gets exposed on the news like in the 60's.

michael couture


instead people just keep their mouths closed and consider making money counter racism. if martin luther king jr., malcolm x, tupac, and others did'nt give their lives speaking out where would we be. you say fox loves us talking about it, but I guarantee they don't. or else why would they feel threatened by civil rights activists in the first place. you may not agree but it's time for a revolution, and a change of the way we think. imagine a black president, they don't even expect black people to vote!!!
i understand this is somethin yer passionate about or else u probably wouldn't waste the time to write it. hate to break it to ya man but it's not fox that brings racism front and center. perhaps u might ask Jesse Jackson about appropriate times to use the N word... and i stand by the fact baby mama isn't a racist term

michael couture

I'm not saying baby mama is a racist term, but saying "obamas baby mama" is treating barack like he just considers her to be some on the side relationship, like there's no black men that treat their wife as well as a cristian white man. which I think is racist, I mean why does barack have to be seen as either a part of hip-hop culture or another al sharpton, can't we take him for who he is instead of boxing him into a stereotype, he should be seen as a great president, not just a black candidate!!!

michael couture

and as far as the N word, I'm not one of those people who think black people perpetuate racism by saying it, I just mean I get angry hearing white people say it. I play xbox online and I constantly hear white people say it like their skinheads. I'm the only person who ever speaks up about it too. and I have tons of hate mail on my account, mostly calling me a n***er or a n***erlover just for telling them not to say that word, and most of them say "why do you care your white anyways".

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