Technology Android


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By the way I follow the stories on my phone on our Polish Android forums and there's an interesting thing I thought I'll share - The Galaxy Spica (i5700) out of the box comes with no multitouch, no proper OpenGl driver and with a few stupid software bugs that Samsung tends to ignore in their software updates that change close to nothing (they tend to release a new, updated version of Android 2.1 every 2 or 3 weeks).

Now here's a catch. That phone is a mid-end but comes with a multitouch chip (with no software driver so it acts like "it's not there"), fm radio (same story) and an extremely efficient GPU chip that was design for high end processing of 3D in Open Gl 1.1 and 2.0 which is not even yet used by Android. Obviously with no drivers too so out of the box Spica really sucks for 3D games because the CPU core does all the job without any other serious hardware acceleration.

Thanks to the Samsung Android community now everything has been totally rewritten. There's multitouch, the whole system has been recoded and optimized for Spica's CPU architecture which makes it a few times faster, kernels have been unbelievably improved, there are also many customized apps and countless different optimization mods. There's a guy named Leshak that created amazing things for that phone, there's Samdroid kitchen that allows you to create an Android "package" - you pick an Android version and pick components that you want to include in your new system. Then it generates a package that you can install on your phone - with root, any programs that you pick during that creation and any components.
Oh and the 3D driver is about to be released soon.

I posted this because of a bunch of reasons but most of all to say how happy I am for the Android community. It's really an awesome system.


Well-Known Member
that sounds really good, especially the samdroid kitchen - that amazes me. brings a new meaning to personalisation because i would always like to cut the crap i dont use out, and keep the essential stuff.

does that samdroid kitchen also work for the galaxy s, now or in the near future?


Well-Known Member
if i download apps to my phone memory, where in the directory would they be saved? im trying to free up phone memory because i think i might have installed some apps on the phone memory since my sd card was in use when connected to the pc, therefore not allowing apps2sd when in debug mode.

due to this, i cannot install swype.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
By the way I follow the stories on my phone on our Polish Android forums and there's an interesting thing I thought I'll share - The Galaxy Spica (i5700) out of the box comes with no multitouch, no proper OpenGl driver and with a few stupid software bugs that Samsung tends to ignore in their software updates that change close to nothing (they tend to release a new, updated version of Android 2.1 every 2 or 3 weeks).

Now here's a catch. That phone is a mid-end but comes with a multitouch chip (with no software driver so it acts like "it's not there"), fm radio (same story) and an extremely efficient GPU chip that was design for high end processing of 3D in Open Gl 1.1 and 2.0 which is not even yet used by Android. Obviously with no drivers too so out of the box Spica really sucks for 3D games because the CPU core does all the job without any other serious hardware acceleration.

Thanks to the Samsung Android community now everything has been totally rewritten. There's multitouch, the whole system has been recoded and optimized for Spica's CPU architecture which makes it a few times faster, kernels have been unbelievably improved, there are also many customized apps and countless different optimization mods. There's a guy named Leshak that created amazing things for that phone, there's Samdroid kitchen that allows you to create an Android "package" - you pick an Android version and pick components that you want to include in your new system. Then it generates a package that you can install on your phone - with root, any programs that you pick during that creation and any components.
Oh and the 3D driver is about to be released soon.

I posted this because of a bunch of reasons but most of all to say how happy I am for the Android community. It's really an awesome system.
Same story with most Android devices, especially the more popular ones.

The G1 dev community enabled multitouch, native tethering and a whole bunch of features long before they were present in official software updates. We still have features that aren't in the official updates, like FLAC support, call blacklisting, tethering over bluetooth as well as USB, ability to use BFS, etc.

I've said many times, the developer community that has evolved around Android is just mindblowing. It'd still be a great OS without that, but that just makes it even better.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
that sounds really good, especially the samdroid kitchen - that amazes me. brings a new meaning to personalisation because i would always like to cut the crap i dont use out, and keep the essential stuff.

does that samdroid kitchen also work for the galaxy s, now or in the near future?
Yes, there are plans for it. Right now there's only a premium kitchen for Galaxy S:

Look, this is how the free Samdroid one looks for Spica:

a new version:
SamdroidMod Kitchen v.2 'All in One' for Samsung Spica i5700 [EN]

imo this is very awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are plans for it. Right now there's only a premium kitchen for Galaxy S:
22/Jul r3 (JG5) - MoDaCo Custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy S with Online Kitchen - Android @ MoDaCo

Look, this is how the free Samdroid one looks for Spica:
SamdroidMod Kitchen v1.x.x All in One [EN]

a new version:
SamdroidMod Kitchen v.2 'All in One' for Samsung Spica i5700 [EN]

imo this is very awesome.
oh yea, i checked that out this morning. good to hear they are planning for a galaxy s version. sad to hear that they may take some functionality away.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
They got the G2' Froyo leaked on the net. I know we have Froyo out from N1 ROMs, but will this help out or be used for current G1 users, possibly enhancing the experience a bit since they're related, or does it not matter at all?

Droid 2 was rooted. Fuck eFuse. Dunno if they've gotten there to be custom ROMs on either the DX or the D2. Can you still OC to the full extent and have all the root apps enabled? I'm not big on custom ROMs and themes and find they make no difference to me. Just seems to be a display of the cooker's artistic talent and just from root apps integrated already for the user.

I also gotta say, since getting my Droid, I haven't given one shit about getting a new phone. I guess that's the perk of having a stock Android phone and getting updates before everyone else. I feel my phone will take a while before becoming truly "behind the curve." I think G1 users feel the same, although to a slightly lesser extent.


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Phew. Confirmed that the G2 is gonna be stock Android and not Sense. Was getting worried there for a minute.

Smacky, it doesn't make a difference. The FroYo code has been in the AOSP code-base for ages. Anyone can download that code and build a ROM using it. FroYo in the G2 doesn't have anything different.

I'd say you have another year of life in the Droid at most before you'll get to the point where it feels laggy even when overclocked to the max and running the new OS.

2.1 runs absolutely beautifully on the G1, including apps specifically built for 2.1.

2.2 runs great on the G1 as well, but the apps that have been specifically written for 2.2, like the latest version of Google Earth, aren't worth bothering with. But the fact that the OS itself runs great on hardware that's now 2 years old is incredibly impressive.

I'm happy with my G1 and FroYo but I'm not harboring any illusions that 3.0/Gingerbread is going to work perfectly on it. By that point, they'll certainly have to start making big compromises to the ROMs to be able to get them to run flawlessly on this hardware, and that's to be expected.

Of course, I've been able to get a free upgrade to something new since last May. Just waiting for the right thing. I'll probably give it 2 months or so after the release of the G2 and if nothing else catches my eye, I'll get one.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Phew. Confirmed that the G2 is gonna be stock Android and not Sense. Was getting worried there for a minute.

Smacky, it doesn't make a difference. The FroYo code has been in the AOSP code-base for ages. Anyone can download that code and build a ROM using it. FroYo in the G2 doesn't have anything different.

I'd say you have another year of life in the Droid at most before you'll get to the point where it feels laggy even when overclocked to the max and running the new OS.

2.1 runs absolutely beautifully on the G1, including apps specifically built for 2.1.

2.2 runs great on the G1 as well, but the apps that have been specifically written for 2.2, like the latest version of Google Earth, aren't worth bothering with. But the fact that the OS itself runs great on hardware that's now 2 years old is incredibly impressive.

I'm happy with my G1 and FroYo but I'm not harboring any illusions that 3.0/Gingerbread is going to work perfectly on it. By that point, they'll certainly have to start making big compromises to the ROMs to be able to get them to run flawlessly on this hardware, and that's to be expected.

Of course, I've been able to get a free upgrade to something new since last May. Just waiting for the right thing. I'll probably give it 2 months or so after the release of the G2 and if nothing else catches my eye, I'll get one.

Yeah, I think it should suffice me until at least next Spring. I won't be anxious and angry with my phone until then. Then, around July, I should be due for another upgrade and hopefully it'll be an LTE device.

I really fucked up recently. I think I spent too much time worrying about phones. Fucks with everything, reading articles and whatnot. Guess I dunno how to do things in moderation. :(

I may need to step away from the game for a while.


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Check out what my cousin brought me back from the Googleplex :D

Buzz by Casey Rain

He's gonna show me some pics from the tour...apparently he asked about Gingerbread and was told "you're not supposed to know about that..." LOL :D


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Some of those are unofficial masta.

All the official ones can be found at

Sandeep - I've been on contracts with Tmob since early 2007 but I may have been on them for Pay As You Go before that...dont remember


VIP Member
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That's an awesome t-shirt. I'd kill a man to check out the Googleplex. Fuck it, I'd stab Sandeep in the ass with an icepick just to see the lobby. :D


Well-Known Member
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That's an awesome t-shirt. I'd kill a man to check out the Googleplex. Fuck it, I'd stab Sandeep in the ass with an icepick just to see the lobby. :D
My cousin said it was like being inside the very brain of the modern world. Some of the things he was telling me about just sound amazing and makes you realize just how much insane stuff goes on there. Just unbelievable.... like a real life, technological Willy Wonka's factory.....really pushing the limits of what can be achieved with all the methods that we have at our disposal these days.... it's amazing.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
That's an awesome t-shirt. I'd kill a man to check out the Googleplex. Fuck it, I'd stab Sandeep in the ass with an icepick just to see the lobby. :D
..And he'd like it.

My cousin said it was like being inside the very brain of the modern world. Some of the things he was telling me about just sound amazing and makes you realize just how much insane stuff goes on there. Just unbelievable.... like a real life, technological Willy Wonka's factory.....really pushing the limits of what can be achieved with all the methods that we have at our disposal these days.... it's amazing.
Elaborate more. What exactly did they have there that he found crazy?


Well-Known Member
oh masta, i actually forgot... the galaxy s is also supported by cyanogen mod, so at least galaxy s users have a choice from the custom roms they want to install.

i hope more details of the galaxy q leak soon so i can consider my options a little more.

casey, are you running CyanogenMod 6.0.0-DS-RC3?

how is it, pros and cons?


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Just installed a new Kernel and now I have a 1066mhz Spica :)
Combined with the newest JiT mod and a few optimizations it's faster than my friend's Xperia X10.
Over 11 Mflops at ease. And still it's not the fastest kernel. I picked the most stable one.

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