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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Why not wait it out until the end of the year when there will be something on the crest of the new wave of mobile tech? Unless you really hate your phone.


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Well, current high ends will be hard to beat even by the new wave of phones. And I mean the Galaxy S. There are still no upcoming phones that would overall beat the Galaxy S. Even if they seem to be slightly faster they don't rock other decent hardware the Galaxy S has like a 4 inch Super Amoled. I mean, this makes Samsung very hard to beat because their screens are brilliant.
And apart from unbeatable display there's also unbeatable battery life. Only Wave is better in that department if it comes to smartphones. But Wave doesn't rock Android.
Granted Galaxy S' position in the market it should also be cheaper than newcomers at that time.

I don't think that there's any definite "Galaxy S" killer announced yet.
I technically get upgraded November 1, they won't move it up because Sprint does an upgrade every year for the master phone on the account so they don't budge much on that. I have been bouncing between the Epic and the Evo but it looks like the Epics battery tests just slightly better. That being said for my birthday last month my wife almost bought me an ipod, I said save the 300, I will use 200 on a phone and a 100 on a 32 gig card for it rather than support any apple product. I don't really care about the keyboard, if you had the choice would you go Evo or Epic? That question is for anyone on here...

/\ If you're getting an upgrade in a month you might as well wait it out or even call to try and get your upgrade a month early. If you want something with a keyboard, go with the Epic 4G:

I really hate my phone, I know 3 other people with it and everyone has the same issue, it seems like since the 2.1 upgrade the phone just sucks, battery is horrible, GPS sucks, phone freezes all the time.
Why not wait it out until the end of the year when there will be something on the crest of the new wave of mobile tech? Unless you really hate your phone.


Well-Known Member
Go with the Epic, it is very much superior to the Evo. And if battery life is a concern of yours you'll be surpirsed how good the Epic's battery is, compared to the Evo at least. Plus the phone is just better overall. And if you're into rooting like it seems you'll be able to get rid of all the bullshit Samsung shit and run nilla on the phone I wish I could have, but I'm on T-mo :(. Yes they have the Galaxy S, but keyboard and front cam make the Epic the go to phone for me at the moment


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, current high ends will be hard to beat even by the new wave of phones. And I mean the Galaxy S. There are still no upcoming phones that would overall beat the Galaxy S. Even if they seem to be slightly faster they don't rock other decent hardware the Galaxy S has like a 4 inch Super Amoled. I mean, this makes Samsung very hard to beat because their screens are brilliant.
And apart from unbeatable display there's also unbeatable battery life. Only Wave is better in that department if it comes to smartphones. But Wave doesn't rock Android.
Granted Galaxy S' position in the market it should also be cheaper than newcomers at that time.

I don't think that there's any definite "Galaxy S" killer announced yet.
Ah, I see. What about these dual-core phones we keep hearing about? We won't see a flux of them soon? If I'm not wrong, Samsung said the Orion was due out in phones late this year or early next year. How reliable both the reports and Samsung's delivery promise really is, no one knows, but...

Have you at least tried rooting your device to assuage some of the shittiness? Have you thought about switching carriers? Because it appears as if VZW is the one to beat when it comes to Android phones. They'll be getting that HTC slider with dual-radios. May be a good substitute for the Epic. Plus, the Evo and Epic require the 4G plan, correct? It's an extra $10 after everything else with your data plan and such.


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Ah, I see. What about these dual-core phones we keep hearing about? We won't see a flux of them soon? If I'm not wrong, Samsung said the Orion was due out in phones late this year or early next year. How reliable both the reports and Samsung's delivery promise really is, no one knows, but...
Yeah it's hard to tell right now but I assume that they will be released no sooner than early 2011. Even if it'll be more like this holiday season it's still some time to wait.
I wouldn't wait if I had an opportunity to change my phone right now - considering that we haven't even heard about any rumored phones/specs of these phones and they usually arrive at least a few months earlier.


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The problem with most comparisons is that they don't know what to compare :p
S-PVA is the best LCD there is and thanks to Samsung and Sony it's been really mastered in their TVs over the last few years.
However it's inferior to AMOLED. Sure it has a very nice contrast thanks to brightness and has the greatest blacks for any LCD. Still Amoleds real contrast is way higher because their blacks are blacker - actually perfectly black.
LCD is a tad sharper because of the pixel for pixel thing.
BUT S-PVA LCD is the most inferior while handling motion (blurring), uses a motion compensation algorithm (RTC) to get rid of ghosting which produces input lag. Also S-PVA has way inferior viewing angles and dramatically loses contrast and colors while looking off-angle.

In reality AMOLED>S-LCD hands down BUT there's a point to LCD for displaying a sharper image. Because LCD is the only technology capable of displaying a perfectly sharp image with AMOLED being close but not close enough yet. In reality people are getting used to LCD's sharpness and say that AMOLED is not sharp enough. In reality it just produces a smoother image. Sort of like with CRT but more sharp.

In reality though, HTC just screwed their Desire by introducing that "panel lottery". Something Samsung has done with their TVs that made me not buy them. I want to know what I'm getting and I would feel really bad for getting something inferior in the very same product that was supposed to come with a superior display for the same price. Just because I was "unlucky".


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/\ Some people would prefer the SLCD though. Crisper contrast, better display of black-on-white.

But the most likely scenario is that 99% of people wouldn't give a shit or even know the difference.


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I read that Engadget article yesterday Casey. What surprised me the most is that when they played the video content when the SLCD died the Amoled still had around 30% battery life left! That's crazy. So yeah I'd definitely prefer the Amoled, well I'd really prefer an S in front of those letters but yeah


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/\ Some people would prefer the SLCD though. Crisper contrast, better display of black-on-white.

But the most likely scenario is that 99% of people wouldn't give a shit or even know the difference.
That's true. That 1% would be pissed though and I'm that 1% :p
I have a S-LCD panel in my PC display and TV. I'd give them away for any AMOLED any day.
It doesn't matter as much in a mobile phone but still it does to some extent.

@Aron - Amoled uses even less power in stand by and on lower brightness levels than medium, LCDs drain a linear amount of power proportional to backlight intensity. AMOLED depends on displayed content. It only does use more power while displaying very bright images on a high brightness setting.
Watch a dark movie on 20% brightness and it'll drain next to nothing.
Super Amoled uses even less power than Amoled, about 20% less while being 20% brighter at the same time.
There's a shortage of AMOLED screens right now, think Samsung are having to ramp up the production on them.
It's very starange that Samsung-Sony are producing a 3,7 inch S-LCD though, isn't it?
I don't think there are any other phones using them yet and it would be much easier to just manufacture more AMOLEDS than start manufacturing an entirely new panel. The only reasonable explanation is that they are planning to release more phones with that panel.
All current phones use either TN or IPS (Apple/LG/Philips).


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i actually hate bright screens since they give me a headache after a while. so using the brightness on a low setting (as i do) will benefit me, in terms of reducing battery consumpton, when using an LCD, but perhaps even more so when using super amoled?

anyone want to take bets on which phone i'll get next because im so undecided?

right now its a matter of:

(expected) lower price plan, super amoled, 4" screen, good battery life vs qwerty keyboard, scorpion cpu, and phone which cyanogen will get; aka Samsung Galaxy S vs T-Mobile G2.


Well-Known Member
^^ thank you and thank you, its still very informative yet opinionated which is what matters IMO because people can give their accounts, experiences and what not.

but you're more than welcome to contribute.

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