Technology Android


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Hey, does anyone know if LG Ally/Verizon Ally is a good phone? It's coming to Europe as LG Aloha and at first glance it looks pretty good for an inexpensive model and it comes with full qwerty and led flash.


Well-Known Member
Gingerbread sounds nice but I bet carriers in the US will get rid of calling through voice over data at least. Who knows what they will do about video calling over data


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I can't imagine it's something I'd ever use. Even though I have the camera on my device.
I didn't care before I found out about the native video chat. I probably wouldn't use it ever through a third party app like the ones that work right now (Qik etc).....but I already use the video chat in GTalk through the browser, so that's a bigger deal for me.

ARon - T-Mobile US already announced they will do Wifi-calling.



Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah but will it be free? I can see people bumping down minutes plans and just using WiFi 80% or the time they're within reach of a network.


Staff member
^The mandatory data plan is where they get you. My next plan of attack when I get a new phone is this:

1. minimal minutes and texts: use Google Voice for calling and texting
2. unlimited data plan: to support Google Voice


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
^The mandatory data plan is where they get you. My next plan of attack when I get a new phone is this:

1. minimal minutes and texts: use Google Voice for calling and texting
2. unlimited data plan: to support Google Voice
I have two friends with BBs on T-Mobile and they don't have data plans. They may be on a family plan, but that shouldn't change anything if it's "mandatory."

If I really wanted to cheap out, I could get 450 minutes for $39.99, a Data for $29.99 and that's it. But the minutes plan does not include texting. Unlimited texting comes with a 450 minute plan at $59.99. And my bill is $100 and change a month. So I'd be saving $20 a month that way. I think with VZW you can change your plan whenever so I may do that in the future.


Staff member

That's before the Q&A portion of the earnings call.

Question: Any updates on Flash?

Steve Jobs: Flash memory? We love flash memory (laughs).

Question: You are the tablet market right now. Can Apple sustain share growth for tablets?

Steve Jobs: I have a hard time envisioning what competitors strategies are. They can’t match us in price. Flash hasn’t presented any problem at all. Most of the video on the web is now in HTML5. We’re out to win this one. And we’re not done yet.

HAHA what's not to love?


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
You know, Jobs really gains credibility by being the main spokesperson for Apple. At least he's forthcoming with his intentions. I agree with some things and I'm unsure about others, but that was definitely a good watch. Just different ideologies in work. I couldn't say who wins out in the end, but looking at just overall sales with Apple faring better than other vendors, it's hard to see them falling too far behind, if at all, in the near future.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I find him arrogant and obnoxious...

We'll see what happens. I also don't agree that flash is unstable. I have never, not even once, had a problem with it. But if enough people say something, no matter the lack of evidence, people start to believe it.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Youtube crashes on Chrome all the time. Reason? Flash plugin.
Wait, let's try Firefox. Same thing.

Results are the same on OSX.

I'm not advocate or expert on one or the other, but Flash does cause problems and I have experienced them. There's a reason all the big name browsers are trying their damnedest to get all the wrinkles out for HTML5.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Youtube crashes on Chrome all the time. Reason? Flash plugin.
Wait, let's try Firefox. Same thing.

Results are the same on OSX.

I'm not advocate or expert on one or the other, but Flash does cause problems and I have experienced them. There's a reason all the big name browsers are trying their damnedest to get all the wrinkles out for HTML5.
Sounds like a problem with your mac... Never had a problem with either of those browsers on my "inferior" PC.

Maybe the Mac is actually shit... Or there's an apple conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
ive never had a problem with youtube on any browser. has anyone else you know experienced the crashes or was it just yourself? also, did you try it on another operating system? like maybe even at uni?


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Sounds like a problem with your mac... Never had a problem with either of those browsers on my "inferior" PC.

Maybe the Mac is actually shit... Or there's an apple conspiracy.
It's a well-documented problem with Webkit as a whole. Safari suffers from the same problem. .gifs don't load properly and it seems to be a memory leak and the CPU goes through the roof. This is specifically an OSX issue.

It has been an issue for five years, according to a comment on the Google Chrome Dev notes thing, not sure why it isn't being fixed.

Webkit was created by Apple, so maybe that has something to do with it. But they wouldn't intentionally sabotage it. At least I don't think so.


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