Technology Android


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new Maps update in the Market has option to switch Latitude into "real-time tracking" mode, rather than pinging your location every so often. Seems awesome, but likely a real battery drainer.

But it will be good to turn on sometimes, like if you're trying to find exactly where someone is at.

It's 2.2 only. I just flashed CM6.1, so I'm gonna check it out.


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so anything other than an iphone is uncool. other phones have accelerometers too. so your comment there is invalid.
You SO missed the point and so did Casey Rain on his "thank everything I disagree with" parade. I am saying that the iPhone and the Android smartphones are all media devices, phone devices, and gaming devices in one. There are some pretty cool games on the iOS platform. You know this. My point was, this PSP would be nothing new. It would be an extra step in geekiness because it looks like you have a PS3 Joystick in your hand instead of a phone. That's LAME status. For the casual, normal, respectable person (Ie: doesn't need a PS3 on the go while waiting at the DMV/DOL) the smartphones now provide a good enough range of games to keep interested and busy.


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I personally wouldn't rock a Playstation Phone, but I appreciate that they're making one, and having it run Android. It's good for brand awareness.


Well-Known Member
So I install 6.1 and I notice that instead of a 3G like there normally is it is now and H that appears on my notification bar. As in T-Mobile's HSPA? Say it ain't so!


Well-Known Member
So I install 6.1 and I notice that instead of a 3G like there normally is it is now and H that appears on my notification bar. As in T-Mobile's HSPA? Say it ain't so!
same thing isnt it? except different for the terminology... i too would prefer it to say 3G instead of H.

I will flash CM 6.1 now, i will have to redownload all of my free apps again.


Well-Known Member
it says 3g still, and H, and E. I know what the 3g and e are...I'm almost positive that's what the H stands for. I'll have to do some speed tests to find out for sure


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I don't care what brand awareness Android needs and how much mass-adoption was intended. The fact it is everywhere just means focus is spread out all over the place and it will dilute the brand. I expect the success will get to their heads and we'll see Android become just another OS.

This is where iOS succeeds. They make sure it fucking works before they send it out. And there's no carrier crippling anything to make a quick buck.


Staff member
The Android brand is OPEN SOURCE. By default, the brand means "everyone can use it as they please" pretty much and it means ubiquity. You're misusing the concept of dilution when applying it to Android. Google WANTS every phone, shitty or not, to STILL use Android because it allows Google to make money. Google doesn't have to worry about how many manufacturers use Android. However, it's in Google's interests that the phones are good because it makes Android more ubiquitous.


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Seriously Smacky, if you're that fucking concerned, go ahead and get an iPhone and be another sheep.

You clearly have no understanding of how open source system works and yet day in, day out you keep on spouting garbage about dilution. Seriously, wisen up or fuck off. You. Are. WRONG. Android will continue to go from strength to strength, and continue to be the best OS.

Don't like it, then fuck off to iOS (aka the Fisher Price OS for infants).


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog

Seriously Smacky, if you're that fucking concerned, go ahead and get an iPhone and be another sheep.

You clearly have no understanding of how open source system works and yet day in, day out you keep on spouting garbage about dilution. Seriously, wisen up or fuck off. You. Are. WRONG. Android will continue to go from strength to strength, and continue to be the best OS.

Don't like it, then fuck off to iOS (aka the Fisher Price OS for infants).

Keep in mind, most of us were sheep for buying into the Android propaganda you spewed on this forum. So being a sheep is not necessarily a bad thing. Fanboyism and failure to recognize the shortcomings of Android, however, is.


Well-Known Member
we do recognise its limitations for example the differences in specs, screen resolution, OS version will make it more difficult to have one universal version of android on all mobile devices. it will create a 'clutter' of different OS versions and different features to varying degrees; different uses if you like.

p.s. i love my ubuntu live cd.


Well-Known Member
just flashed 6.1 - i want my 7 homescreens dammit!!

any tips on how to keep it running smoothly?

what was that option that i needed to select to make sure that the app cache goes to the sd card and not the phone memory (which many people had a problem with due to the constant decline in available phone memory).


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
we do recognise its limitations for example the differences in specs, screen resolution, OS version will make it more difficult to have one universal version of android on all mobile devices. it will create a 'clutter' of different OS versions and different features to varying degrees; different uses if you like.

p.s. i love my ubuntu live cd.
Yeah, and don't forget it was build upon stolen technology.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog

Isn't that why they made the Nexus One? Just to keep pushing the tech or something
But why stuff like the Eris? All those low-end devices. It pollutes the gene pool of Android. If all phones were like the Nexus One, EVO, Droid X, etc., I could take it more seriously. But what good are all the features of Android when a low-end phone can't run it?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Keep in mind, most of us were sheep for buying into the Android propaganda you spewed on this forum. So being a sheep is not necessarily a bad thing. Fanboyism and failure to recognize the shortcomings of Android, however, is.
Who exactly is "most of us"? Do you seriously think all the people who bought Android on this forum did so purely because of me? Because you're giving me a little too much credit if that's the case. I'm sure I helped some people along with their decision, but I doubt anyone here went with Android solely because of me. As for "propaganda" you need to look up the meaning of the word. I don't have any ulterior motives, it literally makes no difference to my life whether anyone either on this forum or anywhere on the planet gets an Android device.

I enjoy the OS and believe it's the best OS available, and can back up that statement in multiple ways. That's it.

Now - since you're so concerned about the "shortcomings of Android" - let's hear what you have to say. And don't just pull some vague statements out of your ass and not back them up, like you have been doing.


But why stuff like the Eris? All those low-end devices. It pollutes the gene pool of Android. If all phones were like the Nexus One, EVO, Droid X, etc., I could take it more seriously. But what good are all the features of Android when a low-end phone can't run it?
How EXACTLY does it pollute anything? Not everyone can afford, or needs, a high end smartphone.

Case in point - up until just a few weeks ago, you could still buy computers running Windows XP. Go to some electronics stores and you'll still see some on display.

Windows XP is 10 years old. There have been 2 major OS releases since then. Yet, there's still demand for XP. I still run XP on my desktop. Is that "polluting the gene pool of Windows"?

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