This is my thread


Well-Known Member
Kanye spreading this is more dangerous than random black athletes because maga is pushing this on their people and his words are right in line. They love when he criticizes BLM, and that's part of why he does it. He craves the attention while having little knowledge or social conscience. It's hard to fake it to get praise from the left. Trump knew that, which is why he switched parties.

There's been an under-current of anti-Semitism in the Black community and everywhere else forever. I remember Rukas said the same thing Kanye is saying about Jews control the media like 10 years ago.

Found it from 2010. Read the whole thread, it's hilarious, and looks like even Pittsey had some anti-Jew prejudices.
“Anti-semitic” is, in fact, a euphemism for “Be quiet and do as you’re told.” The claim that banning words will lead to a society more “safe and effective” is absurd, as absurd as $2.7 trillion damages for yelling "I saw smoke by the grassy knoll" . Yet the New Normal isn’t interested in the rule of law, science, morality or even basic common sense. Like the followers of Jack in Lord of the Flies, they are transfixed by the intoxicating power of the death cult.


Well-Known Member
Lmao, how frustrated were you here:

^Good point. Even Streethop is Jewish owned. Al Queda and Hamas are Jewish owned. The Nazis and Hitler were Jewish owned. The Universe and the black holes in it are Jewish owned.

I was so young back then, I never really understood the depth of your posts. I thought you were making jokes all the time and trying to be funny. I'm sure some of the times you did, but I am realizing the depth there in hindsight.

I don't know if it's antisemitism we're seeing. You know the phenomenon among young adults where some people want to seem like they know things. Did Rukas and Pittsey hold some level of antisemitism within them, or had they read some article and bought into it and just wanted to seem like they knew stuff? I'm not sure. If I ever said stuff like that back then, it was likely the latter. I never felt hatred in me, but I loved attention and was immature in my critical thinking about sources for knowledge. From a jewish point of view, it's probably all the same. Just saying.
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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Kanye spreading this is more dangerous than random black athletes because maga is pushing this on their people and his words are right in line. They love when he criticizes BLM, and that's part of why he does it. He craves the attention while having little knowledge or social conscience. It's hard to fake it to get praise from the left. Trump knew that, which is why he switched parties.

There's been an under-current of anti-Semitism in the Black community and everywhere else forever. I remember Rukas said the same thing Kanye is saying about Jews control the media like 10 years ago.

Found it from 2010. Read the whole thread, it's hilarious, and looks like even Pittsey had some anti-Jew prejudices.

I was taking the piss. And reading it back again, I was a lot less funny than I realised.

I also remember the time when there was quite a strong anti Muslim sentiment on here. To such an extent it made me uncomfortable. But hopefully, as we've grown people's views have changed...


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I was taking the piss. And reading it back again, I was a lot less funny than I realised.

I also remember the time when there was quite a strong anti Muslim sentiment on here. To such an extent it made me uncomfortable. But hopefully, as we've grown people's views have changed...
lol yeah I stayed quiet until that came up. I know the old dilla/tennis_dog used to shit on Muslims and black folks.

I don't think it was hatred as much as it was just trying to be an edgy shit. The reactions, good or bad, of dropping a slur was entertaining at the time. I see it on social media now and get irritated by it but then I always remember how I used to do it too. People usually grow out of it. But some don't and then some of those people get on social media as adults and whine about Cancel Culture™ as they spread ignorance.
  • He said Jews control the media
  • He said 90% of rappers are signed to Jewish record labels, while there are zero Jewish artists signed to black producers
  • He said celebrities all have Jewish handlers
  • He said Jews undermined Donald Trump
  • He said Jews are against white people and try to use blacks to silence white voices
  • He said Jews have a liberal agenda that they push through their control of the media and through the Democrat Party
  • He said Jews have different sexual values than Christians
  • He said Jews have messed with his money and messed with his family
  • He said Jews promoted the narrative that he is insane
  • He said Jews despise Christianity
  • He said Jews promote divorce, while Christians don’t allow it


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's antisemitism we're seeing. You know the phenomenon among young adults where some people want to seem like they know things. Did Rukas and Pittsey hold some level of antisemitism within them, or had they read some article and bought into it and just wanted to seem like they knew stuff?
Well, in the sense that they just thought they were accurately saying how things were or seemed to be, they weren’t antisemitic. But in fact, they were being antisemitic or promoting it without realizing it because that’s where it originated, and it was patently wrong. Same thing with Kanye. His thinking is based on his and other black people’s experience in the industry. Has anyone asked white artists if they’ve been satisfied in their dealings with these media companies? We don’t need to ask, they’ve spoken out many times. Someone should say to him, so if cops in the US profile blacks because they mostly encounter black criminals and not because they have these racial superiority theories, then they’re not being racist, right? Like you with Jews, they’re just going by their experiences and so, should have an attitude towards “the Blacks.” Maybe cops should say they don’t recognize the word “racist” as legitimate.

The Jews who run media companies might suck to some extent because it’s the nature of business in that industry and non-Jewish leaders suck too. Most leaders of any big business suck. Russell Simmons of Def Jam sucked, if you’ve heard those stories. You think Suge Knight was fair in his dealings? The founders of BLM are supposed to be Marxists, yet they bought multi-million-dollar houses for themselves with donated money. Most politicians suck. If they were mostly Jewish, it would be because they were politicians. Like if you did business with the Mafia, would you put their behavior on “the Italians” or “the Catholics?”

The antisemitism comes from the hard right and the hard left. It comes from the left when criticism of Israel and Zionism becomes criticism of “the Jews.” Sometimes it’s just how people think or speak if they don’t think hard enough. But it feeds the real bigots, so it needs to be called out and labeled as antisemitism, even when it's not coming from theories of racial superiority.
The antisemitism comes from the hard right and the hard left. It comes from the left when criticism of Israel and Zionism becomes criticism of “the Jews.” Sometimes it’s just how people think or speak if they don’t think hard enough. But it feeds the real bigots, so it needs to be called out and labeled as antisemitism, even when it's not coming from theories of racial superiority.
Many American don't recognize "Zionism" - they've never heard of it . So, like you say, it becomes the "Jews" - maybe the labels should be more precise. Maybe Rogue State of Israel. or Big Jewish Lobby. People mention Americans or even Europeans and most of us know enough to understand it as a select group within the whole. It's usually fine until it becomes the Jewishness. I think bigots can feed into whatever they want, the mind isn't that easily changed, especially when labeling them as Antisemitic™ because it's used as a political weapon imo. Kanye may be stupid but not crazy. :D

America sending billions of dollars to a group of Ukrainians with undeniable evidence of Nazi ideology but lets haul Kanye off to the ward. Nah man. I wonder what the Israelis think of all of that.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I don't have a link to it as I only saw it while scrolling on IG but I think the Fuck Jerry account had a pic of it and I'm sure other channels have it too. It was of a bridge in LA and 4 or 5 people held up a sign that said Kanye was right, the Jews can't be trusted, etc. And the account tagged Adidas and asked them if they thought it was OK. Or something like "your move, Adidas."

On the one hand, I believe that Kanye believes that he was wronged by certain people. And many of those people might have happened to have been Jewish. But to go on some bullshit like this is pretty stupid and it makes me think that the guy is not mentally fit and now bad actors have seized the situation/opportunity to use him as a puppet.

This forum has stood the test of time, at least the past 17 years I've been on here and there are plenty of posts on here with hot takes and predictions. I don't think Kanye will be alive in 10 years. My gut even tells me 5 or less. The dude will crash and burn and I don't think anyone will do anything to him; I think he'll do it to himself. He'll continue to not get help, the wrong people will continue to exploit him while the media keeps an 8K camera on him the whole time for our viewing pleasure, and then the ending will make it all worthwhile and bring in the big bucks. Help him end himself and then martyr him.
It's unusual that great works of art are better protected than our children. What's with wasting food to save us from climate change? I sense strings being pulled. I hope it was instant mash.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what kind of deal Adidas has with Kanye that maybe they can't break ties with him, according to him. They probably eventually will and gain nothing from it because: too late. Someone said the Adidas logo is the new NAZI symbol. Little harsh. But everyone dropping him won't make him change, it'll just push him further because he'll have nothing to lose. He's rich enough anyway. The Jews who own the media should say, "we're sticking with Kanye. We'll still work with him." He won't know what to do then. He'll be really confused. They should say, "we like it that people think we run Hollywood because...each one of us would love to run Hollywood...individually." Kanye would be, oh, hell no I'm not helping spread that. Reverse psychology on his ass. The Democrats should all start talking like Maga Republicans. Out Maga them. "Abortion? Elect us and it will be a crime for black women to have a baby. Fuck George Floyd." Maga voters will lose their minds and stay home. Kanye will vote Democrat.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I wonder what kind of deal Adidas has with Kanye that maybe they can't break ties with him, according to him. They probably eventually will and gain nothing from it because: too late. Someone said the Adidas logo is the new NAZI symbol. Little harsh. But everyone dropping him won't make him change, it'll just push him further because he'll have nothing to lose. He's rich enough anyway. The Jews who own the media should say, "we're sticking with Kanye. We'll still work with him." He won't know what to do then. He'll be really confused. They should say, "we like it that people think we run Hollywood because...each one of us would love to run Hollywood...individually." Kanye would be, oh, hell no I'm not helping spread that. Reverse psychology on his ass. The Democrats should all start talking like Maga Republicans. Out Maga them. "Abortion? Elect us and it will be a crime for black women to have a baby. Fuck George Floyd." Maga voters will lose their minds and stay home. Kanye will vote Democrat.

lol this is retarded but also tailor-fitted for the average American and would be a slam-dunk.

The Jewish folks in high places should convene together and put out that statement stating their support for Kanye. As shitty as social media can be, I think having it sprawled over social media and news outlets would cause him to lose his mind, like you said. I think he'd just pick a different target? Muslims. Other black people. Maybe we'll learn his views on Latinos? The LGBT community? Although we can kind of assume his Christian faith dictates his views on that. Still, it should be coaxed out of him so he alienates more of his fans.
I think he'd just pick a different target? Muslims. Other black people. Maybe we'll learn his views on Latinos? The LGBT community? Although we can kind of assume his Christian faith dictates his views on that. Still, it should be coaxed out of him so he alienates more of his fans.
Muslims - that's sooo Bush Jr. Era
Latino - cool as long as they stay out of Martha's Vineyard
Black people - black people hate black people the most
LGBTQ - too easy

He should be emphasizing Neocon elements. Why is it common that these Jews are escapees of Nazi Occupation? It's like an abused child turning into an abuser himself. Of course if one start there, then one's illusion of Trump being a great man would disappear.

The Jewish CAA dropped him :D
edit: Adidas dropped him :p

By Philip Giraldi

FEW AMERICANS ARE AWARE of the fact that no U.S. government official, to include congressmen, can in any way mention or discuss Israel’s nuclear arsenal, which is estimated by some observers to consist of as many as 200 tactical nuclear weapons which can be delivered on target by air, land or sea.

The prohibition is spelled out in a Department of Energy “classification bulletin” graded Secret, which was issued on September 6, 2012 and bears the file number WPN-136. The subject line reads “Guidance on Release of information Relating to the Potential for an Israeli Nuclear Capability.”

It would be interesting to learn exactly how the text of the memo reads, but in spite of repeated attempts to obtain a copy under the Freedom of Information Act, the entire body of the document is completely blacked out.

What is known in that the memo is basically a gag order, presumably issued by the Barack Obama Administration to block any official from making a comment that might be interpreted to mean that the federal government recognizes that Israel has nuclear weapons. The silence over the Israeli arsenal dates back to an agreement made by President Richard Nixon with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.

So, when in doubt, call something anti-Semitic and it will make the problem go away. The United States uniquely has an Ambassador whose sole responsibility as the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism (SEAS) is to go around the world seeking to expose anti-Semites.

Israel routinely uses the Jewish diaspora and its vast wealth to buy up or leverage the media, to corrupt politicians at all levels, and to propagate a narrative that always depicts Jews sympathetically as perpetual victims. That narrative relies on the so-called holocaust and the slogan “never again” to generate the moral authority and outrage that makes the entire otherwise unsustainable imposture work. And work it does.

The Israel Lobby’s campaign of vicious character assassination, smearing and blacklisting against those who defend Palestinian rights is not a response to any real anti-Semitism. That twenty-four state governments’ have passed Israel Lobby promoted legislation requiring their workers and contractors, under threat of dismissal, to sign a pro-Israel oath and promise not to support the non-violent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is not a response to anti-Semitism. That is the real story, all about the maintenance of Jewish and Israeli power in America and the abuses that are derived from that, and it has nothing to do with genuine anti-Semitism.
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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I think this will piss Kanye off. He is going to struggle to find a platform where people will listen to him. Especially with the decline of the quality of his albums. He can go join one of your right wing social media sites and spout irrelevant nonsense with them


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I think this will piss Kanye off. He is going to struggle to find a platform where people will listen to him. Especially with the decline of the quality of his albums. He can go join one of your right wing social media sites and spout irrelevant nonsense with them

White Conservatives in the US will still support him. He'll be used in arguments as "see? This black guy gets it! Why don't the others?"

Adidas dropped Kanye finally. Took them long enough.
Some are saying that it was his 4D chess to get out of the contracts but I really don't care.

Notice it wasn't a problem while dissing blacks but the headlines everywhere read "Antisemitic" - I think most serious geopolitical observers couldn't care less about what Kanye caught on to.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to start a media company called "The Jews." People will be like, "who made this movie?"
"The Jews."
"You're saying the Jews financed this movie?"
"How do you know?"
"I work for The Jews. They pay all my health benefits and stuff."
"And you use that expression when you talk about them?"
"They give us t-shirts and hats like that. We've got big plans in the works. You should invest in The Jews stock."

So it looks like Putin is hankering to set off a red flag dirty bomb so he can use nukes. Much trouble ahead.

(Kanye is the Right's dirty bomb)

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