This is my thread


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
You think Elon Musk is going to spend 44bn on something just to fuck it up?
Yes. He is a petty man and I think he do it intentionally, or unintentionally, either way. He'll either drive normal people off the platform, like with this new price increase for verification, or he'll allow degenerates to post on Twitter as if it's a 4chan board and that will drive people and advertisers away.

I don't think he's going to, metaphorically, start emptying gas cans all over the platform hinting at him about to light a match and instead I think he'll be more insidious about it. A lot of his projects can be summed up by the "because I can" mindset and I don't think this will be any different.

I could be wrong but based on what I'm seeing and hearing him, I think he's out here thinking either he takes steps towards making Twitter profitable with the price increase and easing content restrictions or he suffocates it using the same changes mentioned above.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Musk is definitely not trying to take Twitter down. The money he spent is killing him financially. As soon as he bought it, advertisers said that if he brings Trump back on they will pause their spending or cut ties. General Motors has already paused their account. Musk rushed to reassure advertisers that the platform wouldn’t become a “free-for-all hellscape.” and tweeted “To be super clear, we have not yet made any changes to Twitter’s content moderation policies,” adding, “Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints. No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes.” Might make him think twice about Trump.

LeBron James tweeted that the surge in N-word use on Twitter since Musk’s takeover was “scary AF,” and added that he hoped Musk “and his people take this very seriously.” In response Musk shared a tweet from a Twitter employee, “Nearly all of these accounts are inauthentic. We’ve taken action to ban the users involved in this trolling campaign—and are going to continue working to address this in the days to come to make Twitter safe and welcoming for everyone.” So, he definitely doesn’t want to lose his money in this or bring it down. But he’s an idiot outside of his technical field, so it’s almost certain he will.

A Twitter alternative? Jack Dorsey says he's starting a new social media site, so we'll see.
Will Dorsey step out for a pack of smokes like he did on Twitter?

I read he just dissolved the Board of Trustees. Not sure on the reason behind it but that can't be good.

I guess I'll wait to see who all is on this moderation council and how diverse it really is.

And about Lebron's concerns, that's what my first thought was as well. It was most likely people's throwaway/burner accounts that normally post inflammatory comments and they took this as an opportunity to be edgy. What's the Oscar Wilde quote about giving a man a mask? So it wasn't a surprise to me to see people thinking Musk owning Twitter meant their version of "freedom of speech" was now going to go unpunished.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Musk is definitely not trying to take Twitter down. The money he spent is killing him financially. As soon as he bought it, advertisers said that if he brings Trump back on they will pause their spending or cut ties. General Motors has already paused their account. Musk rushed to reassure advertisers that the platform wouldn’t become a “free-for-all hellscape.” and tweeted “To be super clear, we have not yet made any changes to Twitter’s content moderation policies,” adding, “Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints. No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes.” Might make him think twice about Trump.

LeBron James tweeted that the surge in N-word use on Twitter since Musk’s takeover was “scary AF,” and added that he hoped Musk “and his people take this very seriously.” In response Musk shared a tweet from a Twitter employee, “Nearly all of these accounts are inauthentic. We’ve taken action to ban the users involved in this trolling campaign—and are going to continue working to address this in the days to come to make Twitter safe and welcoming for everyone.” So, he definitely doesn’t want to lose his money in this or bring it down. But he’s an idiot outside of his technical field, so it’s almost certain he will.

A Twitter alternative? Jack Dorsey says he's starting a new social media site, so we'll see.

Yeah. He's stuck. He can't let down his followers by back tracking on everything he's said.... But he has to Somehow make Twitter profitable.

The man is a moron. His ego has butt fucked him here.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Yes. He is a petty man and I think he do it intentionally, or unintentionally, either way. He'll either drive normal people off the platform, like with this new price increase for verification, or he'll allow degenerates to post on Twitter as if it's a 4chan board and that will drive people and advertisers away.

I don't think he's going to, metaphorically, start emptying gas cans all over the platform hinting at him about to light a match and instead I think he'll be more insidious about it. A lot of his projects can be summed up by the "because I can" mindset and I don't think this will be any different.

I could be wrong but based on what I'm seeing and hearing him, I think he's out here thinking either he takes steps towards making Twitter profitable with the price increase and easing content restrictions or he suffocates it using the same changes mentioned above.

He won't purposely take it down. He didn't do any due diligence on the purchase. He gave it large on the internet, then had to follow through. His offer wasn't even based on anything tangible. He took the current share price and chucked on some numbers that had 420 in it. Because he's cool and smokes weed. I'm not sure even the Church of Musk can turn this one around though


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
He won't purposely take it down. He didn't do any due diligence on the purchase. He gave it large on the internet, then had to follow through. His offer wasn't even based on anything tangible. He took the current share price and chucked on some numbers that had 420 in it. Because he's cool and smokes weed. I'm not sure even the Church of Musk can turn this one around though

I just think he'll end up taking a huge loss on the purchase of Twitter but will still try to spin it as a win. He'll say things that will placate his simps and just irritate the rest of us. He may not do it purposely, but I think at the end when his antics have run its course, he'll spin it as a troll-takedown of a platform that he felt wasn't moderated correctly/lacked "free speech." His "win" won't be making it a properly moderate platform, it'll just be a shitshow to entertain his fans while he takes a huge loss in the process.

He's already dropped the Premium price from $20 to $8. That's some God-tier negotiating skills, right there.

I'm just upset he's going to destroy the one platform I use without any issues. There's bad content on Twitter but at least you can avoid reading the comments and curate your timeline accordingly. Reddit is similar but the comments can be utter ass and the upvote system can skew what you see, even if you carefully select the subs you wish to see on your front page. I don't look for discussions on Twitter and instead just get news from there in the form of headlines. As long as the companies and individuals that I follow don't leave the platform, I don't care what Elon does. But if his policies start to upset the ones I follow and they leave because of it, then it's a problem.

I read that he had plans for a Vine revival or remake. That sounds interesting but, again, if it's run like Parler and just becomes a bastion of outcasts from other social media platforms because their takes were "too spicy" then it's not worth considering.


Well-Known Member
Now the jews-that-own-the-media, or as I call them, the anti-christian Illuminati, are going after Kyrie Irving. The Nets have suspended him. He's not mean-spirited, just another uneducated person who has been miseducated by a documentary and similar misinformation and now thinks he knows the truth. Namely, Blacks are the original Israelites and the Bible is about them. Ye believes this too. Blacks are the original semites so he can't be antisemetic.

Asked if he had any antisemitic beliefs, Irving responded: “I respect all walks of life. I embrace all walks of life. That’s where I sit.” When pressed to answer yes or no to the question, he replied: “I cannot be antisemitic if I know where I come from.”

Some of these "Black Israelite" groups also say the earth is flat, so that's surely where he got that from.

The Anti-Defamation League turned down his $500,000. I don't know. He said he was sorry, let it go. Not going to change him unless you make him take a class that explains why it's all wishful thinking by oppressed groups, just like the Rastafarian religion. It's psychological. Oppressed people will eventually come up with belief systems that make them God's chosen and their oppressors devils. Many want and need to believe and don't know any better.

What else? Hope the Eagles win every game this year. Musk is letting go half of Twitter employees to save money. Expect outages.
Bibi's back.


UN Security Council voted down the investigation into US biolabs in Ukraine. As expected, Russia and China are only countries to vote in favor of the said investigation for the biolabs that were confirmed to exist by Victoria Nuland.

They're going after Dr. Peter McCullough for "COVID misinformation". The American Board of Internal Medicine is stripping his certification. For an arm and a leg, I'd go to Dr. McCullough over suits like Fauci.

Still waiting for them to ban Bezos - he sells a shit ton of Mein Kampf. Talk about Antisemitic™ work. *gasp*
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The tactics used by the medical establishment also include defamation and intimidation; retraction of scientific papers after publication; dismissal or adverse changes to employment contracts; aggressive actions aimed at sabotaging other significant roles of the individual, such as participating in important committees or serving as editors of scientific journals. Some respondents reported a targeted thwarting of their careers and harming of the reputations they had built over the years, while consistently stripping them of all the positions they held. Some reported being subject to abusive formal proceedings, such as investigations and attempts to revoke their medical licenses, and in one case even being sued for a large sum of money.

Medicine/academia, Hollywood/media, being denied Thanksgiving Dinner with fam. You name it, it's a fucking cult.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Now the jews-that-own-the-media, or as I call them, the anti-christian Illuminati, are going after Kyrie Irving. The Nets have suspended him. He's not mean-spirited, just another uneducated person who has been miseducated by a documentary and similar misinformation and now thinks he knows the truth. Namely, Blacks are the original Israelites and the Bible is about them. Ye believes this too. Blacks are the original semites so he can't be antisemetic.

Asked if he had any antisemitic beliefs, Irving responded: “I respect all walks of life. I embrace all walks of life. That’s where I sit.” When pressed to answer yes or no to the question, he replied: “I cannot be antisemitic if I know where I come from.”

Some of these "Black Israelite" groups also say the earth is flat, so that's surely where he got that from.

The Anti-Defamation League turned down his $500,000. I don't know. He said he was sorry, let it go. Not going to change him unless you make him take a class that explains why it's all wishful thinking by oppressed groups, just like the Rastafarian religion. It's psychological. Oppressed people will eventually come up with belief systems that make them God's chosen and their oppressors devils. Many want and need to believe and don't know any better.

What else? Hope the Eagles win every game this year. Musk is letting go half of Twitter employees to save money. Expect outages.
I think the term is "stalking horse" to describe the situation I think is happening. I think White Supremacists, paradoxically, are making a lot of noise about anti-semitism and feigning outrage when the person saying bigoted things is black. My experience is with sports specifically since it has been mostly black athletes that have shared or said things on social media that are discriminatory. Desean Jackson comes to mind. Now Kyrie. Then some other athletes that don't directly say it but share or "like" the social media post. And while the deserve fines and suspensions and, more importantly, a history lesson, I don't see them as a bigger threat as the racists that marched in Charlottesville. Those Unite the Right marches, I think, harbor more hate against more people than the average person. Yeah, average person because while we might not habor true hatred of someone, we have our own biases and prejudices but those still pale in comparison to people people with guns decked out in swastikas and marching around.

So as ridiculous as it sounds, I think a lot of the people I see on Reddit and other social media really emphasizing the race (black) of the celebs spewing bigoted views, are really just doing it because they are (at best) indifferent towards anti-semitism and instead are mad about BLM and want to stick it to the black population. Stalking Horse. Basically a proxy war fought using well...a proxy...the Jewish community, to shit on the Black population. With a lot of the Black athletes being in support of BLM and kneeling for the anthem and wearing "BLM" slogans and clothing and being openly, I think the White population that were seething when all of this was happening finally found an opportunity for retaliation against black people.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I don't understand why everyone has an opinion on Twitter. It's a private business. Musk has bought something that doesn't make it profit and was already losing popularity, without any due diligence. But it's his business and he's entitled to structure it however he sees fit. If he makes good decisions, it will be reflected with growth. If his decisions are unpopular, the company will fail more rapidly.

Social media has made everyone think their opinion has more weight than it does. Yes, I can see the irony in this post


Well-Known Member
Staff member
My opinion is (I see the irony too) that people put way more weight on Twitter's relevance than it has just because some western celebs currently post there. They could all move elsewhere or stop spamming their random thoughts in the first place and "humanity" wouldn't notice if Twitter gets ran into the ground by Musk. I'm not sure how/when it got all the hype in the first place, and I'm not sure why would anyone see any greatness in it. It's not even good as a social media platform unless you're just a follower with an attention span of a fruit fly.
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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I only care about Musk owning Twitter because I'm worried he's going to drive the users off. He can build all the new features he wants and allow all the free speech he wants, but if the people still end up leaving, then it's useless.

If he just did the shit-posting he's been doing so far and none of these proposed policy changes, I would not care. Same with the firing of those employees, although rumor is he's coming crawling back asking for them to return.

The whole impersonation/parody account fiasco he started seems to be a hit with celebs as they're all changing their names to something Musk-related. Kathy Griffin already got the boot but I don't care about her and I'm not going to martyr her just because "lul fuck Elon."
I agree, they trying everything in order to keep us in a "low vibrational state".

Richard Solomon

Ye (Kanye) could be crazy. Some might consider destroying your billion-dollar business empire overnight to speak your truth an act of insanity. This is beyond sticking your head out the window and shouting, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” like in that scene from “Network.” It’s more akin to an up-and-coming associate at a corporate law firm showing up to the office meeting naked in camouflage face paint. It’s career-killing.

Within the ziocracy’s stable of entertainers, Ye is a leper with omicron. If he showed up at a music industry function, it’d be like when the possessed girl in “The Exorcist” walked into her mother’s party and pissed on the carpet- that long minute of uncomfortable horrified silence. The millionaire performers know whose teet they suckle from.

I don’t follow Ye’s music. I know him through celebrity culture- the time he snatched Taylor Swift’s music award, and his marriage to Kim Kardashian. To give the Kardashian girls their due, they struck pinhead gold. Like H.L. Mencken said, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”
I don’t think Ye is the Black deliverer. The Rothschild Zionist anvil will drop hard on his head. He can always claim a schizoid break. If he lays prostrate at the feet of the ADL and cries, “I’m sorry Massa!” they might let him continue to eat, albeit with a severe reduction in calories. If he stands firm, he could wind up busking in the subway- or dead.

Ye shouldn’t expect any mainstream Black organizations to speak on his behalf. They are controlled by Rothschild Zionists. It would be like the House AA who fed Massa slave escape plans hiding Nat Turner. Or a cricket jumping to Mars.

The NAACP was founded by Rothschild Zionists. The “woke” crowd occasionally pays homage to Black liberationist Marcus Garvey. What they fail to mention is that Garvey was given the maximum prison sentence by a Rothschild Zionist judge who sat on the NAACP board of directors. Harsh prison conditions contributed to Garvey’s premature death.

The SPLC, which ostensibly fights for Black civil rights, is a Zionist Lobby smear factory. BLM was initially funded by George Soros, The DNC, and Hollywood. After Biden was elected, BLM was folded up and put in the clothes bin. Don’t cry too much for BLM’s oppressed African American founders. They were handed golden parachutes that floated them into Beverly Hills mansions, Hampton retreats, and Upper West Side penthouses.

The tiki bar takeaway is that the African slave trade was bankrolled primarily by international Jewish financiers. The Nation of Islam Research Center has produced brilliant work on this subject that makes the dreck from ivy league Black studies departments look like a stoner’s term paper written the night before the due date. Dr. Tony Martin, professor of Black studies at Wellesley College, was so impressed with NOI’s work, he included it in his class syllabus. As a reward, he was fired, banned for life, and driven to an early death.
Real Black leaders get assassinated, locked up, or hit hard, e.g., Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Fred Hampton, George Jackson. Granted, these guys weren’t Urkel from “Family Matters.” Many graduated from the gladiator schools of the Prison Industrial Complex. Some pimped and dealt drugs before taking on “The System.” So what? Sometimes It takes a hard man to play a hard game.

Whatever happens, Ye’s act of free speech could create a small ripple in a big pond, perhaps joining other ripples to form a Black tsunami that washes over Rothschild Zionism like the ocean hitting a Thai beach resort on Boxing Day. That “butterfly wings causing a hurricane” thing.

What’s interesting is, Ye claims that Black people are the “authentic Hebrews” or “real Jews.” For the Princeton theology professors out there, I’m not getting into the “who were the original biblical Hebrews” debate. I’m looking at it through the lens of Dr. Carl Jung’s archetype theory and Professor Joseph Campbell’s work, and in that context, I believe Black Hebrews are totally legitimate.

As per the bible, Hebrew slaves wandered the scorpion infested desert for forty years before they entered the promised land. For four centuries, Black slaves wandered through a desert of plantation whips, Jim Crow, medical experimentation (Tuskegee Study), CIA inner-city drug dumps, and the prison industrial complex. Perhaps one day they too will enter their promised land- a Black ethnostate.

As an interesting aside, some White people identify as White Hebrew Israelites. The Puritans thought they were heirs of the biblical Hebrews, and that America was their promised land. They erroneously viewed Native Americans as Amalekites who needed to be wiped out. In 1800’s England, a large British Israelism movement sprang up. During the latter part of the twentieth century, controversial US evangelist Herbert W. Armstrong amassed a fortune proclaiming Anglo Saxons descended from the tribe of Joseph.

Today, one would likely find a White Hebrew preparing for the apocalypse on an off-grid organic farm or inside a prison organization. How do I view White Hebrews? I believe they’re totally legit. However, at this juncture, I don’t think they have the numbers to make a significant social impact..............

PS Found three muskrats living behind the house, they come out at dusk and start grooming. I've named them Mike, Molly, Elon.
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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I'm chuckling with sadness at Elon getting roasted by verified users on Twitter. Not just the celebs that mocked him but proper journalists on my timeline actually deviating from their usual topics of discussion like sports or humor and straight up slamming Musk and his decisions on Twitter.

That was hilarious and I'm enjoying the show but I hope it ends soon in fear of Twitter becoming too-far-gone to recover when Elon eventually bails on it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Personally, I feel like at this point Twitter is just being repeatedly slammed deeper and deeper into the pavement. It's a shitshow with half of Twitter being no more anyways.
It's ok. Muskrat seems awfully ill-prepared to handle the power of Bots & Boycotts, I think the intelligence agencies got what they invested for but Twitter was not going to exist in a decade or so anyway! I've read theories of how the purchase of Twitter somehow ties into his "cybernetics" agenda and I think Teslas are ugly so good!! :p


Well-Known Member
The whole of Twitter has now become a discussion about Elon. It's like he bought this thing so he could have a platform to do lame jokes. Basically. a low-information troll with bad communication skills bought Twitter.

Hopefully, Twitter gets sold for pennies on the dollar to someone who brings it back to the mean-spirited, fetid swamp we all enjoyed and found useful. (Except for pittsey)


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Personally, I feel like at this point Twitter is just being repeatedly slammed deeper and deeper into the pavement. It's a shitshow with half of Twitter being no more anyways.
The whole of Twitter has now become a discussion about Elon. It's like he bought this thing so he could have a platform to do lame jokes. Basically. a low-information troll with bad communication skills bought Twitter.

Hopefully, Twitter gets sold for pennies on the dollar to someone who brings it back to the mean-spirited, fetid swamp we all enjoyed and found useful. (Except for pittsey)
I figured that was his end goal. But Tesla is kind of going to shit too with projects like the Cybertruck being pushed back and people paying for a fully-autonomous car 7+ years ago and the tech still not being brought to those people who purchased it because of....regulations? I don't know.

So maybe my fears about Elon ruining Twitter were wrong. Maybe he wasn't intentionally trying to run it in to the ground and instead he fucked it in the ass like he did to Tesla.

I really want to know what he thinks of Tesla now that more EV-focused companies have come out with competitive products (Rivian, Lucid) and old-school brands like BMW, Mercedes, Audi, General Motors, Ford, etc. all have several EV options that don't look like shit. Does Elon realize his stronghold on the EV game is slipping away fast and that even ICE OEMs have managed to catch up in the past decade?

His only crown jewel is SpaceX and I don't know enough to say whether its been successful, or not, and how much longer it will be as exclusive as it is/was.

So maybe Elon was looking for a new venture and was never quite the businessman/innovator he may have lead us to believe.
I really want to know what he thinks of Tesla now that more EV-focused companies have come out with competitive products (Rivian, Lucid) and old-school brands like BMW, Mercedes, Audi, General Motors, Ford, etc. all have several EV options that don't look like shit. Does Elon realize his stronghold on the EV game is slipping away fast and that even ICE OEMs have managed to catch up in the past decade?
I feel like Tesla was funded just to give us sheeps the illusion of innovation and what "pushing the envelope" can do when in fact suits in board meetings decide which fuel they would like to exploit next and the entire industry can switch to electricity with relative ease- a claim thought to be impossible by many just 10 years ago. Of course the consequences of such drastic change would be enormous but they'll profit off of that later when the problem is more obvious.

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