Omnipotent Benevolence

-Daniel- said:
That's the contradiction! If God is Almighty Powerfull and good willed then why would something so terrible (in human eyes) happen?

I can honestly say that of God, not one person walking this earth can comprehend such an entity. Yes people by the thousands may have been killed (in flesh), but if God is part of your or anybody's world then those people had to be in God's hands.

A tsunami certainly has demonstrated an enormous strength to effect peoples lives. And if everything happens for a reason then what reason has this?
That's the thing; it's hard to believe that everything happens for a reason. It's a nice idea, and idea that I'm sure everbody would like to believe, but and idea that does seem too good to be true. I don't think anyone can deny that the idea that innocent people who die will end up in Heaven, meet up with their lost loved ones and live forever in eternal bliss sounds like a fantasy, something someone would come up with to make themselves and/or others feel better.
Yahya, I respect what you're saying (obviously from a knowledgeable position) but I find that to fall back on, 'we can't understand something so great', is all too convenient at times.[/quote]

I apologise for my delayed reply!

We cannot understand Allah (God) but we can only understand what Allah (God) chooses to reveal to us. A finite mind cannot and will not ever fully grasp a infinite mind because a finite mind can only contemplate a limited range of thoughts. Likewise, we cannot comphrened God's infinite Will and Wisdom. This is evidently in Surah 2 verse 155:
Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. Perhaps you might've heard of the faith-air analogy.

To use a Holy Book to prove your point is meaningless as I, like many athiests, cannot accept a Holy Book as a legitimate reference as, while containing much knowledge, there is bound to be promotion of superstition & quite simply, I don't believe.
The main question here is, my friend, what are the reasons to reject the Glorious Qu'ran as an illegitimate reference. The main reason why atheists reject Holy Scriptures is 'cause it's either contradictory, or opposses established science. Now, Allah SWT said:
Will they not ponder the Qur'an? If it had been from other than God, they would have found many inconsistencies in it.(Sura an-Nisa': 82)

Here, you're challegend to find a contradiction in the Qu'ran. Perhaps you may've come across the term falsification test which basically subjects any theories to a number of tests (proposed by the theory inventor) in order to see if it's logical. Similiary, the Qur'an demands the same method. If this Qur'an is not what it claims to be, then do these certain steps in order to prove that it's false. And yet no one has been able to produce a single chapter or find a contradiction for the last 1400 years. It's in the human nature to eagerly accept such a challenge. If I claimed that this article is perfect and it doesn't contain a single error, if so, find one if you can. I'm pretty positive that you'd not sleep 'till you found a error. This is the exact same way that the Qu'ran is approaching mankind. The first Scripture to every lay such a challenge and yet no human could ever succeed.

While you talk of 'literacy', it could just as easily be the 'believers' who are so illiterate that they cannot see reality for complex superstition.
Islam repeatedly encourages mankind to reflect and use their intelligence. It directs the mind to seek out the wisdom and subtleties behind its legislations. So thus, if one studies the creation of God, he/she will be bound to accept that there is a creator, hence why many of the greatest scientists were firm believers in God and had this passion to study His creation.

I mean, while Muslims may have complete faith in God, I have complete faith in my beliefs. Too often is it implied that if you can't come to terms with 'the existence of God' then you are somehow blinded. This argument however, as I think you will well know, is one that is also presented by athiests.
I'm in no way tryin' to degrade your beliefs. You've your beliefs and I've mine, however, I'd like to present the Islamic perspective and thus would like keep this discussion in perspective. Islam is not based on fideism but allowes you to reason and use your intellect. We cannot perceive air nor can we understand it, but we strive to understand it. This is similiar to faith.

Duke wrote:
So mr. Bucaille isn't exactly 100% trustworthy.
I still cannot grasp how you came to the conclusion that Bucaille isn't credible. The site merely discusses that many Muslims mis-represent the purpose of the Qur'an by statin' that it's an scientific book while it's a book of guidance. No Muslims would deny that the Qur'an contains scientific realities but by claimin' that it's an scientific book is simply incorrect.

If a deity set things in motion (f.e. through a "Big Bang"), and then kicked back and let nature/science run it's magic to establish order, i'd have peace with that. What i am so fully against is the notion of a deity doing all sorts of magical things without a scrap of proof. Feel what i'm saying? Like, creating the Earth in X days, and then God snapped his fingers and lo and behold, man was made. That i consider bullshit. Why? Because there's no proof at all.
Unfortunaley, you're mixin' the Biblical Scripture with the Glorious Qur'an. Furthermore, you're tryin' to imagine God and his Ways by merely usin' your finite imagination. Allah (God) said he created the universe in 6 days, (the term used in the Qu'ran is epoch) but we experienced 13.5 billion years on Earth. As you may be aware, Einstein was able to prove that time is actually dependent on mass and velocity. The Qur'an included time bein' relative which also clarifies the matter that this material earth has experienced six great epochs of evolution. The Qur'anic account of creation is the most logical and sensible. I strongly urge you to read the book of Dr.Maurice Bucaille (former Christian) and try to see if it makes sense to you.

However, if God instigated a Big Bang and made a grand scheme to have little bacterias evolve into man, damn, that'd be dope! Evolutionism and creationism combined in one. Then that is something i could believe in.
Big Bang did occur as described in the Qur'an, however, it doesn't acknowledge the concept of a bacteria evolvin' in to a man. Nevertheless, the Qur'an agrees with evolution of animals.

“And Allah has created Every animal from water.” [Al-Qur’aan 24:45]


TecK NeeX

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^ wont happen, even if a 100 nukes were to drop on saudi arabia the Ka'aba would remain standing lol ... its the truth tho

TecK NeeX

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the Ka'aba has a major role to play in the final days and not matter how much one tries to destroy it he will utterly fail. period
beReal said:
so the kaaba can resist 100 nuke bombs?
no it can't resist 100 nukes per se. Thats ridiculous. But being destructible and actually destroying are two different things. Just because the former is possible doesn't mean that the latter will happen.
The day that someone destroys the kaabah, is the day I will shave my beard and renounce my way of life, islam!


Well-Known Member
why does teck say its not possible, everybody who tries to do it will utterly fail?
i mean theoretically it is possible isnt it?

so the kaaba is gone..u cant do anymore what god told u to do (through the koran, walk around the kaaba)..and now?

(i think it would have been better making a new
ken said:
no it can't resist 100 nukes per se. Thats ridiculous. But being destructible and actually destroying are two different things. Just because the former is possible doesn't mean that the latter will happen.
The day that someone destroys the kaabah, is the day I will shave my beard and renounce my way of life, islam!
no ken, not even 600 nukes are enough to wipe it off.Isnt the tsunami, that killed over 250 000 people (RIP) and destroyed cities, but only the mosques stood unscathed, enough proof for you?The destruction of Al Kaaba, as mentioned in the Quran and by our prophet himself, is one of the great divine signs of the holy Quran.The small signs were enough to convert SCIENTESTS man, what about the Great signs?None of them taken place yet anyways.till then, nothing a man himself has created would be enough to destroy it


Well-Known Member
#72 you know the history of the Kaaba? it was destroyed before, from floods and muslims themselves.

During the early years of Prophet Muhammad (SA) before he announced his ministry, the Ka’aba was damaged by floods and it was rebuilt again.
After the martyrdom of the family of the Prophet at Kerbala in 61 Hijri (681 AD), the Ummayad Caliph Yazid Ibne Moawiya did not stop there in the pursuit of his destruction. He sent a large contingent under the command of Haseen Ibne Namir to Madina which destroyed the Mosque of the Prophet. They did not stop there but proceeded to Makka and demolished the four walls of the Ka’aba and killed thousands of muslims who protested.
In the year 1981 the Wahabis brought tanks inside the Ka’aba to crush the kahtani revolution against the Saudi regime and almost demolished the South Eastern Wall.
To say it cannot be destroyed is just dumb, it was built by man, and can be destroyed by man. (this is no offense to muslims, just realize that it CAN be destroyed)

TecK NeeX

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beReal said:
why does teck say its not possible, everybody who tries to do it will utterly fail?
i mean theoretically it is possible isnt it?
the ka'aba was built By prophet Abraham and his son Ismael (pbut) before judaism and chritianity, it has remained standing ever since and will remain intact until the end of days. no matter how much one tries, many people have tried to demolish it but were stopped short, God has protected it for thousands and thousands of years and will protect it until the day of judgement.

what i was trying to say earlier is of course the ka'aba can be destroyed, nothing cant, but what i meant is anyone who tries to achieve that will somehow, someway, or something will prevent him from wiping it out, by a miracle or not he will fail

so the kaaba is gone..u cant do anymore what god told u to do (through the koran, walk around the kaaba)..and now?
this is exactly why the destruction of the ka'aba will never take place. the future holds no such thing. i know this might sound funny to non-muslims but what i speak is the truth lol

TecK NeeX

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During the early years of Prophet Muhammad (SA) before he announced his ministry, the Ka’aba was damaged by floods and it was rebuilt again.

After the martyrdom of the family of the Prophet at Kerbala in 61 Hijri (681 AD), the Ummayad Caliph Yazid Ibne Moawiya did not stop there in the pursuit of his destruction. He sent a large contingent under the command of Haseen Ibne Namir to Madina which destroyed the Mosque of the Prophet. They did not stop there but proceeded to Makka and demolished the four walls of the Ka’aba and killed thousands of muslims who protested.

In the year 1981 the Wahabis brought tanks inside the Ka’aba to crush the kahtani revolution against the Saudi regime and almost demolished the South Eastern Wall.
ill take 'almost' as a failed attempt
Glockmatic said:
During the early years of Prophet Muhammad (SA) before he announced his ministry, the Ka’aba was damaged by floods and it was rebuilt again.
So it was destroyed before he announced ministry, before Islam that is.Before Allah decided to make it our Kiblah.
It's as if I asked you "Tell me when was it mentioned in Pre-Islamic history that Al-Kaabah was destroyed?"
devils_advok8 said:
no ken, not even 600 nukes are enough to wipe it off.Isnt the tsunami, that killed over 250 000 people (RIP) and destroyed cities, but only the mosques stood unscathed, enough proof for you?The destruction of Al Kaaba, as mentioned in the Quran and by our prophet himself, is one of the great divine signs of the holy Quran.The small signs were enough to convert SCIENTESTS man, what about the Great signs?None of them taken place yet anyways.till then, nothing a man himself has created would be enough to destroy it

that thing about the tsunami was just stupid, damn are you really that brainwashed to believe shit like that???...

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