So I'm really into using apps to browse the sites/services I normally use my browser for.
For example, I've been using Reeder for over a year now for reading my news feed and I like it so much better than the lame layout that Google Reader has for browsers. For Twitter, and to some extent Facebook, I've been using Tweetdeck and found that to me a lot more fun and better than my mobile apps or the browser.
I just fucking love desktop apps. I just wish there was a way to include a lot more into one program. It may be cluttered, but I can work with that. Like if my Twitter, Facebook, RSS, and G+ were balled into one app. I don't even use G+ that much, but if it were on the same page as Twitter and Facebook, maybe I'd use that a bit more too.
Someone needs to get on this. Reddit needs an app like this too.