Technology Android


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yeah I found that out lol. So umm how do I go about doing that?
Like this (you'll need to have adb on your PC). Open a command prompt and type:

adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app/ADWlauncher.apk
adb push /File/location/onPC/ADW.Launcher_xxx.apk /system/app/
adb reboot

The second command removes the existing launcher.
The third pushes the new one from whatever location it is on your PC, to the system partition on your device. (Obviously put in the correct system path and the correct file number in the right places)
4th command obviously will reboot your phone.

This will be good for current Blackberry users.
True. Having never owned a Blackberry the form factor has always seemed awkward to me. But I know what it's like to be used to a certain form factor and want to stick with it. I imagine this will convert a few BB owners.

So what is the thing that's supposed to be a D2 with a slightly faster processor and GSM? Droid 2 World Edition?
Yes. Droid Pro has GSM also though.

If anyone's interested, Motorola launched 7 new Android phones at a consumer electronics event yesterday. I won't post them here because frankly none of them are particularly interesting to me, but if you're interested:

Motorola Announces 7 Android Phones: Bravo, Citrus, Defy, Droid Pro, Flipout, Flipside, Spice | Android Phone Fans


Well-Known Member
Yeah I already found a thread on xda explaining it, thank you though. For the record, I advise everyone who has CM6 to do this. I know some of the nightly's have an updated adw but I aint fucked to go look through all of that. It's quick and nice


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Which is the latest ADW?

I flashed a CM6-based ROM onto my wife's G1 yesterday and ADW seems fast. It's 1.1.4. Don't know if the ROM I flashed was based on stable or a nightly.


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I put Chromatic on my wife's G1. It's very good. Fast, nicely themed, includes the latest Gapps package and some cool extras.

For some reason, flashing CM and then the Gapps separately was causing all sorts of force closes on her G1 and I just couldn't figure out why. So I went with Chromatic which includes everything in the one file, and it works fine.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I put Chromatic on my wife's G1. It's very good. Fast, nicely themed, includes the latest Gapps package and some cool extras.

For some reason, flashing CM and then the Gapps separately was causing all sorts of force closes on her G1 and I just couldn't figure out why. So I went with Chromatic which includes everything in the one file, and it works fine.
Same thing happened to me when I downloaded the two files separately to my computer and then transferred them to my Droid. So I just use ROM Manager which automatically downloads both and then reboots automatically and installs them both. That was the only way I could get CM to work.

Then I deleted it because UD 8.0 is better.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, I got unlimited too.

I'm still not quite sure what Adobe AIR means for Android. Is it something for developers and not so much for casual users?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, I got unlimited too.

I'm still not quite sure what Adobe AIR means for Android. Is it something for developers and not so much for casual users?
Essentially AIR is for bringing web apps to desktops. If you've ever used TweetDeck, that's based on AIR, as was the original version of Seesmic Desktop before they moved to Silverlight with the new version.

I look forward to seeing some cool AIR based apps for Android.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Essentially AIR is for bringing web apps to desktops. If you've ever used TweetDeck, that's based on AIR, as was the original version of Seesmic Desktop before they moved to Silverlight with the new version.

I look forward to seeing some cool AIR based apps for Android.
Hmm. I'm still not following. When you say web apps to desktops, in this case, do you mean web apps to the Android phones? I never used Tweetdeck, so..

What would be some other examples of potential apps ported over?
So I finally rooted my Moment and I have to say I love my phone now! I hated it before, very sluggish and bogged down, 2.3 mflops on linpack to 8.7 (still not super fast but a huge improvement) I'm running noobnl Radioactive froyo v1.9.0 with a custom kernal by Joey Krin with wifi tether and Live Wallpaper...Huge improvement, my gps picks me up at my house now instead of 3 blocks away and the speed! I wish I had done it sooner and as soon as I get either the Epic or the Evo I will root it out of the box before I do anything else...


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
8 MFLOPS is very good. My Droid, at full blast 1.25 GHz, does about 18 or 19 MFLOPS, so...

I remember my Eris struggled to break the 7s. Or was it 8? I dunno. I did not like that phone at all.

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