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Sandeep14 said:
Is this the guide i need to be rooting the G2?
[GUIDE]UBERROOT easy full Root, S-OFF, SuperCID AND SIM UNLOCK for DZ/G2/DHD inc Voda - xda-developers

Also, how do i get Android SDK and ADB?, right?

Am i right in saying the ADB can be accessed from the Android SDK using CMD in Windows?

I found this: [HOW-TO] ADB for Dummies(How-To Learner's Guide) - xda-developers
Exactly right. ADB is easy as hell to set up, takes just a couple of minutes after downloading the SDK.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, I got free nights and weekends and 450 anytime minutes. Unlimited text and data for $100. And that's truly unlimited text and data, as I use about 1.5 GB a month and about 2300 texts to non-VZW customers last month. First time I nearly topped 3,000 texts a month.

If I took off unlimited text, I'd have a $39.99 talk plan and $29.99 data plan, so about $80 with tax a month. Just use Google Voice. But my parents said they didn't mind so...


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
No, but I get that impression that people outside of the States think more about whether something is really worth that money for them or not.
At the moment I could easily afford high-end Android phones but I don't think that it's worth the money for me.
Would you pay 450 PLN for a phone?


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Would you pay 450 PLN for a phone?
PLN, yes - easily because it's not much. I paid more for my current phone. However I wouldn't pay 450 pounds (which is about 4 times more than 450PLN) unless that phone was super awesome and had some significant features that I would need that my current phone does not have.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
PLN, yes - easily because it's not much. I paid more for my current phone. However I wouldn't pay 450 pounds (which is about 4 times more than 450PLN) unless that phone was super awesome and had some significant features that I would need that my current phone does not have.

Yeah, I was talking about Polish currency. 453 PLN is about $149, and that's the most you can possibly pay for a phone with a two year contract. I use Wirefly, and most of the new phones that a person would actually want (not the Droid Pro), are priced around that price range.

How bad are the phone/contract combinations in Poland?


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How bad are the phone/contract combinations in Poland?
Absolutely terrible. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy your phone without contract for its normal price.
You'd need a 3 year contract for 100PLN or 200PLN per month to have a phone like Galaxy S or HTC Desire HD for a fairly reasonable price.

Also, pay as you go is cheaper here and it's the better and cheaper choice. It's much better to buy a new phone online and use pay as you go.


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I pay about 55$/Mth for...

200 mins weekdays
Unlimited talk after 6pm and weekends
2500 texts
500 MB data
Call display - Voice mail

Only reason I pay that much is cause I complained and threatened them to cancel my plan and head to another provider.


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unlimited texts is a must for me, so is data. i could go with like 100 mins weekdays as long as nights and weekends are unlmited, too bad the carriers don't offer a plan like that.


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I swear I hate the plans we have in the States. so damn expensive and its almostl ike they're outdated. i don't know anyone who talks on their phone very much let alone for 500+ mins a month. I'd almost take a plan where I didn't pay for minutes and just had text and data and pay whatever amount per minute for a call. When really i'd just use gtalk if i actually needed to make a call. i wonder if a carrier would ever do custom plans like that


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From what my friend tells me, you shouldn't look at the plans offered online as indicative of what you can have. For example, T-Mobile doesn't offer a plan with unlimited texts and data with less than 500 minutes, but supposedly you can ask for less minutes on the phone via customer service and pay less as the result. I'll see in the upcoming week..


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Canadian plans are much worse, most of our plans don't even come with caller display and voice mail, you have to pay an extra 7 to 9$ a month just for that. In addition, we're still stuck on the 3 year contracts, among other things.

You can look for yourself.

Telus Mobility
Rogers Wireless
Bell Wireless

Those are the big 3.


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Canadian plans are definitely worse than US plans. I wandered into a few phone shops when I was Canada on tour this past summer and was shocked. I'd never sign a 3 year plan, no fucking way. I wouldn't even sign a 2 year plan if I could help it.

Right now I pay £35 a month for unlimited data, unlimited text and more minutes than I've ever even come close to using. I barely text anymore though, so once my G2 arrives I plan on calling T-Mobile and seeing if they'll give me unlimited data, 300-500 texts and 400 minutes or so for £20.


Knock, Knock...
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Is this the guide i need to be rooting the G2?
[GUIDE]UBERROOT easy full Root, S-OFF, SuperCID AND SIM UNLOCK for DZ/G2/DHD inc Voda - xda-developers

Also, how do i get Android SDK and ADB?, right?

Am i right in saying the ADB can be accessed from the Android SDK using CMD in Windows?

I found this: [HOW-TO] ADB for Dummies(How-To Learner's Guide) - xda-developers

Yeah, it's easy. Just use the dos prompt. (CMD)

As for phone plans.

I got the Galaxy S when it came out for free. I get 600 mins, unlimited Texts, and 1GB of data for £25 a month. I could get the same now, with the Galaxy S for £15 a month.

In the UK, as long as you don't want an iphone, it's dirt cheap.


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Hmmm. That is not a bad deal. I wonder if I could get the same on T-Mobile. I would rather have unlimited data and a limited amount of texts. I don't really text much these days, I tend to use Gtalk, Facebook and Twitter more unless something is urgent and I need a quick response.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, I guess I don't feel so bad then. I text a ton and it seems getting news and sports and weather updates really takes a toll on data. So I use a ton of that as well. I do about 300 minutes of the 450 I have, of talking during peak time. On the weekends, I'm usually with my friends so we don't gossip on the phone like little girls for hours on end.

Seems that a lot of foreign carriers are reluctant to give unlimited data. Seems they are more minutes based and with a lot of people using cell phones instead of land lines, that's actually a bad thing if 450 minutes on my plan with data and text unlimited costs $100. Those people would need more minutes.

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