SiGh exposed. (w/photos)

SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

Fataldawg said:
My sister has a myspace without any pics up, her location and age are fake and in real life if you asked her what she did for a living she would make something up since she works for the government overseas and doesnt want people to know. She even stresses to me that if anyone asks what she does (like my friends or something) to say she works for a cruise line.
Remind me not to tell you any secrets...


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

SiGh obviously just put that pic of Ya Boy up just to stir you Easy and it worked. You really should have seen this coming. Double vision? Couldnt work it out?


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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)



Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

SiGh said:'ll.type.out.a n.response.
If your spacebar isn't working, how'd you get a space between "a" and "n," where it DOESN'T EVEN BELONG!

I'm not entirely calling SiGh out to be a fake altogether, but I must stand up for what I believe in. He says he is African American, yet his space bar is broke. I know of 2 people that have heard his voice. One says he sounded as black as marshmallows, after they got burnt and caught fire. The other said he sounded as white as coal, after it became white hot.

Let the speculation begin.


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

artisticgurl said:
SiGh obviously just put that pic of Ya Boy up just to stir you Easy and it worked. You really should have seen this coming. Double vision? Couldnt work it out?
You are missing the point. It's not about the photo being fake. It comes to lies from him. Go look on his myspace. He has another picture of hands (HANDS WTF!) that are of a black person. Again, another inconsistency because that dude in the snow ain't black.

Read this thread...people left and right are saying they thought he was this or they thought he was that. It isn't just me.


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

Big Easy said:
You are missing the point. It's not about the photo being fake. It comes to lies from him. Go look on his myspace. He has another picture of hands (HANDS WTF!) that are of a black person. Again, another inconsistency because that dude in the snow ain't black.

Read this thread...people left and right are saying they thought he was this or they thought he was that. It isn't just me.
SiGh has always had this little secretive side for whatever reason, its like a game. The hands pic is an LA sign, I dont think he even said it was him its just representing LA, do you also believe he was really in that stadium pic too? lol
As for what other people think, conclusions arnt hard to come to when you really dont know what he is because as far as I know he has never said.
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

Sigh is cool people with me and never once has he told me he's black (which I would think he'd do since I'm one of few Black kids here on this board). This threads funny I see no harm in it. But in defending E I'd meet Keco too. Most the single (and some not) males, and even chicas, would not pass up the chance.

Unrelated: E how is Froggie doin?
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)


1. Prince, Mike Bibby are some examples of Blacks who do not look Black (Sigh
could be light

2. Sound Black? How do U describe sounding Black? Kobe Bryant and Lupe Fiasco sound as White as the Michellen Man but no doubt he's Black.


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

GhettoStar said:
Unrelated: E how is Froggie doin?
ask dante, he is the only one from the board who has had any contact with him

eric hates frog, i have witnesses who have seen him say this:sad:


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

GhettoStar said:
But in defending E I'd meet Keco too. Most the single (and some not) males, and even chicas, would not pass up the chance.

No offence to the girl but i wouldn't. No offence to you either but you would think a garden shovel is pretty.


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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

stefanwzyga said:
No offence to the girl but i wouldn't. No offence to you either but you would think a garden shovel is pretty.
aw cuz I'm not a "lady" offence to you either but you'd never get the chance to turn me down. I like how you thought out the scenario tho...thanx for thinkin of me...:thumb:


Well-Known Member
SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

keco52 said:
aw cuz I'm not a "lady" offence to you either but you'd never get the chance to turn me down. I like how you thought out the scenario tho...thanx for thinkin of me...:thumb:

Nothing to do with being a lady or not, you just aint my type.


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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

PuffnScruff said:
i'm starting to wish i saved all my aim convos just to pwn you right now
Stephanie said:
HA! Funny thing is, I have them :]
well at least all the yahoo ones....
hehehe, BUT because i’m nice like that, I’ll keep them for myself.
Anyway, I’m NOT going to pick sides here, because I like my yahoo buddies.
YES, I have been talking to sigh a lot, but I assure you, it’s NOTHING of the flirting sort.
He’s actually a really great guy if you take the time to know him, I’m not going to ridicule anyone, or give anyone’s information away, because...well I don’t think it’s right.
Anyway, I’m not even sure why I’m writing.....*shurgs*
Ok I admit a couple of things, that Puff-Puff said are true. I’m not saying which (the yahoo regulars know what i mean, and thats all that really matters). I’ve told Sigh and Darkie(idk his S/N, but whatever) what I think and how I feel about them. I’m not going to discuss that here though because that would make me point fingers and name, names which is not what I want to do at all.
Anyway, I just find it funny that you all...(okay well not all of you, but yeah) make a big deal out of this whole sigh thing. So what if he’s mysterious? So was Calcuo, remember him? And most of you know he’s an awesome dude as well. Anywho, for all we know most of us writing could be lying right do you know I’m not really like....idk 80-ish and not 16? You don’t!! Point is, stop making a fuss over it, it’s the internet!! Don’t take everything so damn seriously!! >.<
That is all.

(a.k.a Snickerdoodles2345 on yahoo)
She told me to post this because she forgot her password to her account. She also doesn't remember what email address she used. When I said just email the admins she said no and that she would rather make a new username---"Stephie".

I can PM Rukas/Pittsey--the part of the convo where she says she lost her password. And her email address just incase you guys wanna send her an email to confirm it before activating her account.


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SiGh exposed. (w/photo)

Salar said:
where's Sigh. Speak!
Im right here. :p. My spacebar doesn't work so I had to go somewhere else to type this up.

Lol. Oh boy, 2 threads about me? :D

I was honestly sitting there for the longest minute debating on the approach I was gonna take to respond to this thread. I was originally gonna come in here and say "lol" and leave. But since Eric spent so much time on it, I'll throw in a few more words.

Big Easy said:
*I felt bad about posting this before, but it seems multiple people have PM'ed me showing interest*
lol. Sure.

Big Easy said:
My StreetHop colleagues who I frequently speak to away from the board have noted my displeasure with his caricature. I'm no psychologist, but I consider myself to be quite intuitive--finding falsehoods in a person's whole demeanor. I'm not entirely calling SiGh out to be a fake altogether. His opinions and thoughts are valued here and I do enjoy speaking with him away from the board.
Thanks pumpkin, love talkin to you too.

Big Easy said:
Quoting Puffnscruff "you obviously have an obsession with him". Quite the contrary, my republican friend! Whilst I have no beef with this character we know as SiGh, I'm an advocate of the truth. Thus picking up the spy glass and doing iDetective work as I was once known for. Notable exposures: include AON and Icepack (although it's documented Rukas is the main contributor). Amongst many others. I mainly speak on these because they were phonies. Their exposure lead to the demise of their e-careers. It also gives validity to what I do. Notable failures: include Calculo and Dante. However, I assure you this is fail-proof. I'll speak on that later.

But I must stand up for what I believe in and I can't bare to be associated with someone who could be a liar. Just like someone who is friend's with someone they know they shouldn't be friends with. You may ask why I even care. I simply don't know. I have an OCD when it comes to finding out the truth about someone especially when the said person is befriending people unbeknowningly to the other person that he is not being real. And hey, it makes the board go 'round.
lol. Dont worry son this thread is harmless and in no way am I scared that it'll end my e-career. lol.

Big Easy said:
My detective work was promptly halted last night when Sigh deleted me from his friends list (doing so prevents anyone who isn't a friend from seeing his profile information). I was deleted from his friends list because word got to him that I was doing this. Why would one do such a thing if you have nothing to hide? Oh, and I'd like to point out that this isn't even exactly an exposure, it's moreso documenting the irregularities and the conflicting things he says of himself. Doing so provides the opportunity to be exposed.I have key witnesses who have helped me with information, but I will not mention them unless they care to reveal themselves in this thread (I just don't want to put them out there). SiGh seldom lets things be known about him for "reasons he won't discuss".
Rofl. I deleted you from myspace a few days ago, cuz you wouldn't post the thread. I had to speed up ur process. I've been hearing bout this shit for weeks now. Add me again. But this time you better accept my comments.

PuffnScruff said:
i feel that in order for people to understand this thread people need some back story

there are a few people on this board who are regulars on y!chat. artisticgirl, sigh, darkphantom, easy, meyer, myself, and a few others like dante and kfatal join in. there is also a girl named steph who posts on this board but i can not remember who username to save my life.

see, eric is obssessed with steph. he is truely in love with this girl. you will probably think "so what is wrong with that" well she is only 15 or 16 years old(did i mention she lives in cali and eric recently moved to cali). this whole thing with eric really starting to hate on sigh started about the time that steph and sigh started tobecome good friends. they talk online. who cares right? they have a friendship. it is a good thing. well eric cares and he does not like it one bit. it really drives him crazy that she spends time talking to sigh. its is noticable in these chats as you can hear it in the tone of his voice.

i have not read through this post but i think it is the same as the one posted in the early morning hours that eric deleted. in it he says that steph and sigh are flirting back and forth on myspace and clearly this upsets him. i really dont see why he brings this up. if they were really flirting i think he would have added this to the exposure. i also do not see why he brings this up because if you are in the chats with us you would see, or hear, that eric is always trying to flirt with steph. not a chat goes by, not a chat, where he tells the young underaged girl how "beautiful" she is and how "he can not stop looking at her webcam photo" if he isnt begging her to turn the webcam on. it is all pretty creepy and on some chester pedo shit. he will just pass this off as him being drunk but to be honest he does this even if he isnt drunk or had only a couple of beers.

does anyone really care about the color of sigh skin (since this is really seems to be the point of this thread)? i know i dont and i dont think anyone else does.

as i told eric last night this thread will fail and already is. so he can now add this to his list of failed exposure. i can only guess that his exposure on keco will fail too. that is right, keco is his next victim. it seems eric spends too much time e-stalking her (another e-obssession)

now i am not trying to hate on eric in anyway but i do think he has a problem and it is clear. i would like you all to join in and telling eric what i have told him. he needs help. let him know this and that you telling him to get help because you care to see him get better :)
Honestly, all jokes aside I can't not tell you how "ON POINT" puffy is with this post. See most, if not all think that this section is part of a joke, but its not. Lemme explain.

Shortly after froggie went to jail (free froggie!), Eric and I started to talk. And at the beginning we were mad chill. He'd IM me at the most random times (often drunk) and I'd enjoy the convos we had (no homo). Then we all downloaded Y!Chat and started to have conferences a few times a week. Puffy, Lansky, Dante, Kaka, Darkie, Artsy and a few others have all been there on the most regular. Then one night Stephanie (rip2pacandkadafi) joined in on the chat (and then quickly became a regular) and the way Eric would hit on her became amusing to us.

Everything took a wrong turn when we realized that he wasn't just "joking" with her. He would pour his heart out to this girl and she would "lol". No joke, he would tell her everything and anything to this girl, just to get her on her webcam (just to clear it up and so eric doesn't look like a pervert, she did nothing illegal on the cam, just talk/type and make faces--even though eric has requested her to do some things that really isnt right to ask a 16 year old), some of ya'll should get in on these sessions just to hear Eric.

Newayz to water down the creepiness I started e-cracking jokes and everything to lighten the mood. And before you know it, steph and I started to get along. Everytime Id come into the conference her "Sigh!!"--responses would trigger Eric's anger. And that we know because he would express it freely. See we (well, most of us) would type whilst Eric was usually the only one continously talking. So being able to recognize his anger tones was easy.

He's spent countless times trying to explain to her that I could be a girl for all she/we know and that she shouldn't "talk" to me. And that some people like me aren't to be trusted and that she should talk to him more because he has shown her his photo and he has nuthing to hide. Again, lol.

Since steph wouldnt MUCH pay attention to those things it led to the point where now Eric can't stand me. He checks my myspace very often just to see if she's left me any comments. And if she leaves comments on my page he would get mad and discuss it during the Y! Chats. The same shits---just over and over again.

So to make shit more weird he would start asking ME questions in the chat room--(Ie: my age, name, pictures, location and etc etc). So to fuck with him I'd say anything and everything. No matter what I'd say, he'd be like "stfu, ur lying". lol. Mind you--during all these times he's "drunk".

Dante said:
yes, i can confirm eric's obsession with steph and being that she is underage, it adds a dateline nbc twist to an otherwise sad plea for remote vagina. i also know that eric moved to california to get with a girl, but this pursuit ultimately failed. of course, he will deny that on the board. ...what is funny is that eric likes to clown devious187 and militant, yet he is guilty of the same offenses.

with respect to keco, when eric drove from the east coast to the west, he made it a point to try to link up with her. whatever fantasy he had constructed in his head was denied by her, and she refused his visit. eric knows that she has a boyfriend, but 6 hours of net dick is acceptable or something. i don't know. ...and yes, on his jaunt he took a detour and drove to my residence, where he admitted to watching my windows for over a half hour. he im'd me:

1:48:52 PM bigeasy45: why is it so expensive in bumfuck
9:05:12 PM bigeasy45: I have sent you a picture message! To view it click on the link below:
Sent from a mobile phone with Agile Messenger
9:06:21 PM bigeasy45: I am in nebraska now. have no fear
Big Easy 45 disconnected (9:11:34 PM)

the link is no longer valid, but it was a photo of my front door.

i think eric's "exposures" are nothing than glimpses into his own inadequacies. eric cannot find himself a rewarding relationship so he stalks girls online and moves to their cities. he has his own race issues due to a decade of admitted wigosity, so he focuses on things like that with sigh. i could continue, but it's pointless. the real point here is that eric's cry for attention failed and did nothing but shed light on his own personal demons that he needs to deal with.
I really can't add anything else to this because dante said it all there. I wish I started saving the chatlogs to the convos we've had just so every1 can see how everything we've (dante, me and puffy) said about Eric is true.

Big Easy said:
I've never said I moved for a girl, Steven.
LOL! You've said it to me, dante and darkie as well.

And for the Keco exposure--if it's what I think its about. Talk to her about it first--cuz well you know why. Or it might end up getting deleted.

ill-matic said:
didnt SiGh admit he was asian? for some reason i remember him saying he was asian, and then some people were like "youre asian? i thought you were black!" .
Nah someone from here came and said that. This was during the whole "I 'Bang-LA" (bang-la-desh) era. So the people I told that to, thought that was real and came in and said that.

SonOf2pac said:
i thought sigh was middle eastern?
lol? wtf, no.

hizzle? said:
^^^yeah i thought that SiGH was from India...
uh, lol no. And India isnt in the middle east. :p. That was Militant and tennis_dogg you have me confused with.

Rukas said:
As for keco, shes really 15? Wow shes been on here since she was like 12 then?
They were talkin bout Steph, Ruk. Keco's well over 18.

devioius187 said:
in this situation tho, if she's really 15, then he's got some problems there.
She isnt 15, she's 16. And I don't know how much of a problem he has, but she's not the first underage girl that he's been "attracted" to. Im not tryna make Eric look like a real pedo and shit, cuz he's never done anything sexual with an underage girl. But he has shown us photos of younger girls and said "oh damn" and what he'd do to them when'd they'd turn 18.

Jokerman said:
If your spacebar isn't working, how'd you get a space between "a" and "n," where it DOESN'T EVEN BELONG!

I'm not entirely calling SiGh out to be a fake altogether, but I must stand up for what I believe in. He says he is African American, yet his space bar is broke. I know of 2 people that have heard his voice. One says he sounded as black as marshmallows, after they got burnt and caught fire. The other said he sounded as white as coal, after it became white hot.

Let the speculation begin.
lol. Your posts always crack me up.

Big Easy said:
You are missing the point. It's not about the photo being fake. It comes to lies from him. Go look on his myspace. He has another picture of hands (HANDS WTF!) that are of a black person. Again, another inconsistency because that dude in the snow ain't black.

Read this thread...people left and right are saying they thought he was this or they thought he was that. It isn't just me.
Lol. Aight in all seriousness, what is this thread about? For the regular people, its pointless. But to the few people that have talked to you or has been in on these yahoo chats they KNOW that its about me talking to stephanie. You even said it was in the first thread you made about the exposure.

Look bottom line is, YOU THINK its alright if the person is black to admit it cuz they have nuthing to hide. Why? Cuz you think its the coolest thing to be. And if the person is not black and they dont admit it its cuz they are white and are affraid to say it.
The thing is no matter what I am, YOU will never know. And that's because its MY CHOICE not to tell. Not because "if he isn't a certain color--he can't feel comfortable to tell it". Shit I wish I was white, just so I could shut you up. But you and I know its not about color. I'll tell you what, I'm gonna be meeting a few TB heads later this year for some business and etc and when I do, I'll take pictures and let them post it.

PuffnScruff said:
eric hates frog, i have witnesses who have seen him say this
I don't know how serious he was when he said it--but I was there when he said this (along with darkie, dante, steph and kaka). I think he was just pissed that we kept asking how froggie was. And in return he just said "fuck froggie, I dont care about him and that he's in jail"--just so we would stop asking him.

Oh and I found some chat logs.

This was said to someone else from this board.

bigeasy_45 (1/8/2007 10:53:56 PM): I dont know why and I know its strange to even care but i just dont believe sighs keyboard is busted

lol, seriously? wow.

These are from Yahoo Chats:

artisticgurl2k3 (12/17/2006 10:12:39 PM): he does get jealous over you n sigh talking
Stephie (12/17/2006 10:12:41 PM): lfao
Stephie (12/17/2006 10:12:43 PM): lmfao*
sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 10:12:46 PM): lol
s s***fler (12/17/2006 10:12:53 PM): lol yes he does
Stephie (12/17/2006 10:12:57 PM): hes a funny lil guy
Stephie (12/17/2006 10:13:39 PM): yeah, hes cool...hes just a little perverted sometimes....most of the time ;- /

Another one:

sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 11:21:43 PM): honestly steph, u feel uneasy with the shit he says, no?
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:23:17 PM): well i mean theres times he really is funny...but most of the times hes just being a perv
sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 11:23:33 PM): and why do u go along with it
sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 11:23:40 PM): say no to drugs
sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 11:23:42 PM): and eric.
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:23:43 PM): because i dont really care
sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 11:24:02 PM): u not caring equals to ur caring to eric.
sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 11:24:05 PM): confusing? yes
sigh unlizted (12/17/2006 11:24:05 PM): lol
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:24:06 PM): it doesnt bother me until he says something like "so when you're 18 we're going out right?"
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:24:25 PM): or some shit like that
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:25:26 PM): notice i've NEVER answered that question
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:25:30 PM): he just thinks i do
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:25:31 PM): :]
Stephie (12/17/2006 11:25:41 PM): lmfao
thedarkphantom13 (12/16/2006 11:25:56 PM): lol

All in all, this was a good/funny thread.

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