Technology Modern Warfare 2

i got extra xp points for an 'assisted suicide' on an enemy but i died in the process nonetheless so did he

for some strange reason i chose to crouch in a corner next to a red barrel, then some dud jumps down with hearbeat sensor (he must have snook me out and found me) and tries to kill me, he shoots the red barrel and blows us both up, and i got points for it


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I thought I was alone complaining about that. In the last few days I've been playing seems that's what everyone does... camp. If you have a sniper I understand, but these cocksuckers have uziis and light machine guns.

Cock suckers.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
I thought I was alone complaining about that. In the last few days I've been playing seems that's what everyone does... camp. If you have a sniper I understand, but these cocksuckers have uziis and light machine guns.

Cock suckers.
the maps are too camper friendly. infinity ward fucked up, all people do is camp. i curse them out after they take an L, i gotta let them know theyre ass.

i would use the heartbeat sensor but it seems that the enemy is a little bit off on the radar and a lot of the trick ass hooker campers have that ninja perk or whatever that makes them invisible to the heartbeat sensor.
a friend told me today that you get extra XP points for deflecting bullets with the riot sheild, this = sentry guns = lots of XP points

ive yet to try this theory out but am certain that it's true, unless they've done an update to remove this feature from the game recently


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I think your friend is onto something, cause today in a match someone was saying the same thing. I'll have to look into it.
I think your friend is onto something, cause today in a match someone was saying the same thing. I'll have to look into it.
me and a friend tonight played 3rd person cage match, which is like 1-0n-1 from a 3rd person view...

here's what we did to rack up the most XP points:

both of us had Riot Shields and a secondary weapon machine gun that had the highest fire rate. apart from that we also had the Scavenger Perk and Tactical Insertion. so that we could Respawn in the same place and refill our ammo if we needed too.

then we took it in turns to kill each other until either of us got a Sentry Gun Airdrop Killstreak.

once one of us got a sentry gun we placed it and racked up XP points defending the bullets from the Sentry Gun with the riot shield, taking it in turns between each other

we must have completed over 15 challenges between us doing that, apart from gaining XP and moving up levels


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I'm gonna look into that for sure. I'm level 57 now, i want my damn ak lol

Oh also... Marathon + Speed + Commando + Knifing everyone = Total rape & entertainment lol
3rd Person Cage Match is also good for getting weapon unlocks.

say you want to get a particular attatchment for a certain weapon. for example, getting Extra Mags requires 40 kills through a wall with the FMJ attatchment, plus the stopping power perk makes things easier, and if you get head shots each time you rack up more XP.

doing challenges like this on a 1-2-1 basis in 3rd person cage match, makes it a lot easier to get weapon unlocks :)


Well-Known Member
All these folks who arent getting COD because of exams are losers.

I got Modern Warfare a week before my midterms and I smashed them.


Modern Warfare 2 helps ace Economics exams


VIP Member
Staff member
All these folks who arent getting COD because of exams are losers.

I got Modern Warfare a week before my midterms and I smashed them.


Modern Warfare 2 helps ace Economics exams
I'm preparing for exams, and playing in between breaks. So I get the best of both worlds, without the hidden camera and the 12 year old girl. :nuts:
what is everyone's favourite choice of weapon here?

i went from using the M4A1 to the SCAR-H, and then back to the M4A1. because the M4 has a higher fire rate than the SCAR-H

i'm at lvl 50 and still using the M4A1 as my primary weapon. since i have all the attachments for the M4 i prefer to have the red-dot-sight and heartbeat-sensor equipped ideally in a team match.

but i am wondering what Perks works best with the M4. i will choose certain perks just for completing certain challenges sometimes, but makes it hard when picking perks and attachments for the benefit of winning the match sometime

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