Technology Modern Warfare 2


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I don't know what you mean by that, but I meant campaign mode. I finished the story in like 5 hours, although on the easiest level lol.


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Campaign is short. The older Call of Duty games were longer though. Most of the fun is online though. Where you get the unlocks and everything.

I'm level 69 now, and that's without the cooch in my face while getting sucked off.
M16 is a cool gun, it takes a few games to get used to it cuz of the 3 shot burst
i been doing 3 round burst on the head instead getting headshots and unlocking the camo's

Are all call of duty games as short as this one?

I don't know what you mean by that, but I meant campaign mode. I finished the story in like 5 hours, although on the easiest level lol.
you would get your ass whooped playing multiplayer :p

Campaign is short. The older Call of Duty games were longer though. Most of the fun is online though. Where you get the unlocks and everything.
yeah, online is where the game is at. fuck campaign mode and special ops too.

i'm running round with my M4 with all attatchments and perks unlocked, might switch to the ACR next before i get AK weapon, approaching lvl 60 at the mo


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Man, I just went 25 - 0 ... and I had just taken off nuke previous round :(

Been using the akimbo ranger shotties. lol. People thought I was hacking, but I'm not, I just had a good run like everyone does sometimes :(

Edit: Yeshua, ACR is awesome, got all the unlocks off it. Great accuracy with no recoil lol

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
I don't know what you mean by that, but I meant campaign mode. I finished the story in like 5 hours, although on the easiest level lol.
the first and second one are pretty long and there was an expansion for Call of Duty 2 i think.I have all those on PC. you should get them. Call Of Duty 3 is a poor game though.
a friend told me that there will be expansion packs (he called them 'Map Packs') available for COD6, but only available on XBOX initially as Microsoft have supposedly bought the rights to them

dunno if its true just what i've heard

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
^^yea thats true. They will come to PS3 later i think. same thing happened with Fallout 3. i think it was the other way around for Batman Arkham Asylum. Microsoft got exclusive expansion content for GTA IV as well.

i got both Modern Warfare 1 and 2 as christmas presents. i had never played MW even though i have most of the best games for the xbox 360. They always charged over 50 euro even up to recently. I thought it was ridiculous to charge over 50 euros for a game thats been out for nearly 3 years now so i was waiting for it to come down in price. I saw it in the store last week for 25 euros so told my brother to get it for me. My sister had already got me MW2.

Im playing through MW 1 now. Im not far into it though. I played a small bit off MW 2. looks impressive graphically.


Well-Known Member
^Mass Effect two comes out in a month

I'm not a fan of Modern warfare 2, campaign is way too short and online is exactly the same as cod 4 except for some small things. Not worth the money, imo.


Well-Known Member
^ditto on leaving Mass effect till the summer.

I'm on break and playing Dragon age origins right now. All I can say is you need to play this game.


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Ha. I just started playing Dragon Age Origins like 2 days ago. I'm having trouble letting it go. lol.

Alistair cracks me up.

I let go of MW2, I hit level 70 went into Prestige mode, but meh. Don't care. It was a good FPS fix, but onto something better (and longer lasting)


Well-Known Member
Campaign is short. The older Call of Duty games were longer though. Most of the fun is online though. Where you get the unlocks and everything.
I would take it further and say that seems to be the trend for most games. Imo most solo games are short. I stopped buying games without an online feature because they're always so short.

Also, Flip is right, the real fun is online. And to me the actual real fun started when I stopped trying to be a "soldier", crouching and sneaking past corners etc. It's fun to be a ninja sniper and sneak around, but it's a lot more fun to run around killing people with the throwing knife or the combat knife. Or akimbo 1887 shotguns.

Make a character with the marathon and lightweight perks, then find a suiting one for the third (i like ninja or jamming for the purpose). Equip a .44 with the combat knife attatchment and run around knifing people. You'll run super fast. Learn to run in zig-zag when running towards people. It's so fucking hilarious when you get the hang of it, to get "most kills" and "killed entire enemy team" with just the knife. When you get 3 or more kills in a row it's satisfying to think about the nerd rage the guy watching the kill cam is going through :)

A last little trick, set one of your killstreaks to be the airdrop, then equip the red smoke grenade when you get it. When you have that equipped you can still stab, but you run even faster. Not sure if it's a bug or what but no one can ever catch you. It is hilarious.
there are videos all over youtube on how to hack modern warfare 2 and unlock everything, levels, titles, weapons etc its crazy but i'm not risking hacking into the game no way.
throwing knife + shield = pwnage

lol, reminds me of a match i had where this dude with a riot shield was just running into everybody trying to slam them with the shield

did this at me like 3 times during one game, and every time he did i responded with the melee knife attack and 'shanked' him every time :D

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