Technology Modern Warfare 2

Make a character with the marathon and lightweight perks, then find a suiting one for the third (i like ninja or jamming for the purpose). Equip a .44 with the combat knife attatchment and run around knifing people. You'll run super fast. Learn to run in zig-zag when running towards people. It's so fucking hilarious when you get the hang of it, to get "most kills" and "killed entire enemy team" with just the knife. When you get 3 or more kills in a row it's satisfying to think about the nerd rage the guy watching the kill cam is going through :)

A last little trick, set one of your killstreaks to be the airdrop, then equip the red smoke grenade when you get it. When you have that equipped you can still stab, but you run even faster. Not sure if it's a bug or what but no one can ever catch you. It is hilarious.

thanks, i will try this and pass it on to my friends :)
I would take it further and say that seems to be the trend for most games. Imo most solo games are short. I stopped buying games without an online feature because they're always so short.

Also, Flip is right, the real fun is online. And to me the actual real fun started when I stopped trying to be a "soldier", crouching and sneaking past corners etc. It's fun to be a ninja sniper and sneak around, but it's a lot more fun to run around killing people with the throwing knife or the combat knife. Or akimbo 1887 shotguns.

Make a character with the marathon and lightweight perks, then find a suiting one for the third (i like ninja or jamming for the purpose). Equip a .44 with the combat knife attatchment and run around knifing people. You'll run super fast. Learn to run in zig-zag when running towards people. It's so fucking hilarious when you get the hang of it, to get "most kills" and "killed entire enemy team" with just the knife. When you get 3 or more kills in a row it's satisfying to think about the nerd rage the guy watching the kill cam is going through :)

A last little trick, set one of your killstreaks to be the airdrop, then equip the red smoke grenade when you get it. When you have that equipped you can still stab, but you run even faster. Not sure if it's a bug or what but no one can ever catch you. It is hilarious.

what's a good main gun to use to keep the weight light? or is there a way to bypass a main weapon? i tried this and there are still people running faster, it's probably one of you that keeps stabbing me damnit!


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I'd use the UMP on lightweight or the Uzi, or just hold onto Duel machine pistols of your choice.

I'm usually the asshole that goes around stabbing 5 ppl in a span of 10 seconds.. :)
i went through most of multiplayer using the M4A1 Assault Rifle was my favourite choice of weapon until i got the ACR.

if you want a quick close range weapon then go for an LMG, if you want a weapon thats light and also good for long range shots go for an Assault Rifle.
i like the acr, i snipe mostly but if it's a machine gun map i rock the acr, now favala i like the uzi's akimbo, nothing like turning a corner and spraying someone in the face.
I have just completed multiplayer and got the AK-47!

big gaming session due online friday night too, gonna see prestige mode soon, not before i get a few nukes in beforehand :D


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EA has reported that the game just hit the 1 BIL$ mark.

That is insane, I wonder if that success will follow MW3 which is due this year also...


Well-Known Member
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EA has reported that the game just hit the 1 BIL$ mark.

That is insane, I wonder if that success will follow MW3 which is due this year also...
Damn, again.. am I the only one thinking that this game is not THAT great? It was fun for like 2 or 3 hours and then it's just like any other first person shooter - which all get boring quite fast for most people.
Yeah Ive been doing those... I was hoping for another trick!

Thanks though :)

i actually meant to quote you not to thank you :p

as well as doing challenges you can gain more xp by winning more :)

but the only real way to advance through the game and get the most xp quicker is to have a team or team mate who can help you with the challenges


Well-Known Member
Damn, again.. am I the only one thinking that this game is not THAT great? It was fun for like 2 or 3 hours and then it's just like any other first person shooter - which all get boring quite fast for most people.
Nope, this game is basically no different from cod 4, imo. The only fps that I've ever gotten hooked on is CS so I know where your coming from.


Well-Known Member
i actually meant to quote you not to thank you :p

as well as doing challenges you can gain more xp by winning more :)

but the only real way to advance through the game and get the most xp quicker is to have a team or team mate who can help you with the challenges
I DID mean to thank you :p

so you're basically saying that I need more friends?


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